WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

john Lister, 17031759 (aged 56 years)

john /Lister/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 11 May 1673 40 33 Shibden Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 14 November 1729Shibden Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth: 9 June 1676 45 Horbury, Yorkshire, England
Death: 5 January 1756Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage25 May 1699Northowram & Coley-nc, Yorkshire, England
-3 months
elder brother
Birth: 5 February 1699 25 22 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: after 5 February 1699Halifax, Yorkshire, England
23 months
elder sister
Birth: 1700 26 23 Shibden Hall, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1789Halifax, Yorkshire, England
4 years
Birth: May 1703 29 26 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 2 September 1759Halifax Parish Church Yard, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 5 October 1705 32 29 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 31 July 1763Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 months
younger brother
Birth: 19 December 1706 33 30 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 23 June 1766Halifax, Yorkshire, England
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 9 February 1708 34 31 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 15 August 1740Prince George County, Virginia, USA
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 1710 36 33 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1786
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 3 April 1712 38 35 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 21 October 1743Prince George Co, Virginia, USA
1 year
younger brother
Birth: 27 March 1713 39 36 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 10 February 1788Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 1715 41 38 Northgate House, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 12 November 1782Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 1717 43 40 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: August 1775Hampstead, Yorkshire, England
5 years
younger brother
Birth: before 11 April 1722 48 45 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: August 1775Shibden Hall, Yorkshire, England
Reverand. Curacy at Doncaster, Master of Bury Grammar School.
Birth of a brother
Christening of a brother
Birth of a brother
Death of a maternal grandmother
Burial of a maternal grandmother
Death of a paternal grandfather
Burial of a paternal grandfather
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Christening of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Christening of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Christening of a brother
Death of a father
Burial of a father
Death of a brother
Death of a brother
Death of a mother
Burial of a mother
St. Johns Cambridge
LDS baptism
18 March 1939 (179 years after death)
LDS endowment
11 May 1939 (179 years after death)
Temple: Manti, Utah, United States
LDS child sealing
23 November 1990 (231 years after death)
Temple: Mesa, Arizona, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Name Suffix:<NSFX> M.A.
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Rev
Here lyes interred the body ofthe Rev. John Lister, of Shibde
n Hall, who departed this life the ....Day ofSep 1759, aged 56
, master of Bury Grammer Schold, died umarried.
Letter toJohn from his father James. 28th jan 1724
"Son john.--I can never advise youto spend time in the study o
f Physick, for you are never likely (consideringthe trouble tha
t attends it) to be a penny better for it. I will remind youo
f the chief matters sch. you ought to understand before you ca
n expect anybusiness. And first after you have taken a great d
eal of pains to learn theTheory, you are very little wiser unti
l you have spent a number of years inpractice, and to obtain i
t you are obliged to spend some years in France or Holland, an
d at your return you'll begin to be looked upon as a Doctor bu
t will soon lose your reputation, except besides being a learne
d Physitian yoube also a skilful Chyrurgeon, which requires bo
th judgement and courage, as in taKing off a leg or an arm, etc.
, ettc., is not agreeable with squeamish stomachs...And last o
f all, you'll be obliged to keep your Physick either yourself, a
nd have te trouble of maKing up your own medicines, which is th
e custom of most Drs. nowaDays, and good reason may be given fo
r it. There is onething to be said, and that is, amongst all t
he distempers incident to mankind, none more common than the sma
ll-pox, and for the Dr. to say he hath not hadthem, will be b
e a sufficient excuse for not attending the sick. Suppose you c
ontinue your other year in the study of Divinity, and at the en
d go intoOrders, you may be at Shibden Hall, or sometimes at Co
llege, while you lightof a Place that will please you. And fo
r the future, instead of being frightened with the thoughts o
f a 30 or 40 pound Curacy, be encouraged with the hopes of one w
ell worth 80 to 100 pounds per annum. From your affectionate an
d loving father, Jas. Lister. P.S.--If your encouragement to t
he study ofphysick is that some of your name has attempted it w
ith success, I sHall nameyou two that has profitted very little
, considering their labour and charges.
The one was educated at Cambridge, and came out Batchelor of Phy
sick--made it his whole study during the time of his being at th
e University. The other gentleman took another method, which wa
s, first he served as an Apprenticeto an Apothecary in the coun
try for several years--afterward was journeymanto several Apoth
ecaries in London. So to make him more perfect, he was at the c
harge of going through several courses of Chymestry and Anatomy
, and tomake him more complet, he attended at St. Thomas' Hospi
tal a year or a year and a half, which be a great expence. An
d now after all, I durst not give 10/- per annum for all their p
rofit. I need not name them any plainer than to say they are bo
th Mr. Thomas Lister."
became master of Shibden Hall after hisfather, never married, h
is brother James also unmarried came into possesionfor four yea
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