WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Mary Elizabeth Jones, 18231901 (aged 78 years)

Mary Elizabeth /Jones/
Given names
Mary Elizabeth
Family with parents
Birth: 19 February 1823 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Death: 26 April 1901Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Family with George Sellman Fox
Birth: 12 December 1819 Shipston-On-Stour, Worcestershire, England
Birth: 19 February 1823 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Death: 26 April 1901Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Marriage Marriage22 February 1841Aston, Warwickshire, England
19 months
Birth: 27 September 1842 22 19 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Death: 15 February 1929
2 years
Birth: 25 September 1844 24 21 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Death: 10 April 1905Downey, Bannock, Idaho, USA
3 years
Birth: 3 July 1847 27 24 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Death: 4 November 1935
4 years

Elizabeth was born 19 feb 1823, daughter of William Jones and Ma
ria Reed. She was christened in St. Martin's Parish in Birmingh
am, Warwickshire,England.She married at the age of 18 to Georg
e Sellman Fox, of Aston,Warwickshire, England. George and Eliza
beth enjoyed dancing. In the summer of 1846, when they had tw
o children, they were entertaining at a party in their home. Am
ong the guests were George's sister, Charlotte and his mother, M
ary Sellman Fox. George was performing a step-dance for the gue
sts when they were interrupted by a knock at the door that was t
o change their lives. Two missionariesof the Church of Jesus C
hrist of Latt-erDay Saints were invited in by Elizabeth. They a
re invited to share their message with the group which they do
.The missionaries came again and again teaching the restored g
ospel. Georgewas baptized 8 nov 1846 and Elizabeth 28 nov 1847
. They began to save to goto Zion. Three more children were b
orn in Birmingham. Shortly after the birth of Charlotte in 1852
, all five children had the measles and before they could recupe
rate, they all had whooping cough. LIttle George and Baby Charl
otte died and were buried the same Day.
On 22 Apr 1855, Elizabeth and George boarded the ship, Samuel Cu
rling, and left Liverpool for America. On it was acompany of 5
81 converts who hoped to join the other Saints in America and tr
avel to Utah. Their children were Elizabeth Mary 12, Thomas 10
, and Desdamona nearly 8. Soon after boarding the ship, Elizabe
th gave birth to a baby boy which they named Sanders Curling. S
anders after the Captain and Curling after the ship. About th
e time of his birth there was a terrible storm raing and Captai
n Sanders told Elder Israel Barlow who was in charge of the Sain
ts, that he and never encountered a worse storm, and added tha
t the Tempest hadnot reached its highest point yet, but the nex
t hour would be worse. ElderBarlow told the Captain that the s
torm was nearly over and would not increasein violence. The st
orm abated almost immediately. Elder Barlow told the Saints tha
t while the storm was raging, he saw the ship surrounded by scor
esof angels who stood in a circle around it with joined hands
. The ship encountered several other storms but arrived safel
y in New York on TuesDay 22 May 1855.
Elizabeth and George went to St. Louis and waited about six week
s hoping Elizabeth's health would improve as she had not been we
ll since the baby had come. She did not improve, and it was qui
te late in the season and so theydecided they must go on. Th
e company went on a flatboat on the Missouri River to join a gro
up of Saints at Mormon Grove. It was very hot and Elizabethbec
ame very ill with milk fever and lost her milk for the baby. H
e died very soon after of starvation and is buried at Mormon Gro
ve. Elizabeth was soill at this time that she hardly knew wha
t had happened. They left Mormon Grove on 5 Aug 1855 in the Mil
o Andrus Company consisting of 456 souls, 48 wagons, 262 oxen, 6
0 cows, one horse, and one mule.
Elizabeth tried again and again to get out of the wagon and go b
ack for her baby. George watched over his wife constantly, bu
t one night he fell asleep from exhaustion. When he awakened sh
e was gone. Fifty men were organized to search for Elizabeth
. Their camp was near Green River, Wyoming, not too far from Fo
rt Bridge. After two Days searching and tracing her tracks to t
he water's edge, they gave up thinking she had either drowned o
r the Indians had taken her.