WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

William Argo, 18251898 (aged 73 years)

William /Argo/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 15 March 1825 Jefferson, Ohio, USA
Death: 30 March 1898Spring Valley, Nr. Pleasanton, Iowa
Family with Anna Mary Catherine Judith McIlvain
Birth: 15 March 1825 Jefferson, Ohio, USA
Death: 30 March 1898Spring Valley, Nr. Pleasanton, Iowa
Birth: 26 April 1828 Hanover, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 30 June 1903Decatur, Iowa
Marriage Marriage19 July 1843Mansfield, Richland, Ohio, USA
3 years
Birth: 1845 19 16 Jefferson, Ohio, USA
Death: 11 October 1908Mercer, Missouri
9 months
Birth: 29 September 1845 20 17 Mansfield, Johnson, Ohio, USA
Death: 16 March 1926Strong City, Oklahoma
10 months
Birth: 29 July 1846 21 18 Jefferson, Ohio, USA
Death: 5 June 1922Mercer, Missouri
4 years
Birth: about 1849 23 20 Mansfield, Johnson, Ohio, USA
4 years
Birth: 2 September 1852 27 24 Mansfield, Ohio, USA
Death: 26 July 1926Princeton, Mercer, Missouri

1870 Missour Census enumerated on 22nd August 1870 Marion Townsh
ip,Mercer,Missouri, Post office Princeton, Missouri Page 128 Ro
ll M593-792 Image 257 Ancestry.Com
Household. William Argo 44 white male farmer born Ohio
Anna M. Argo42 female white keeping house born Pennsylvania
Jessee Argo 20 male white born Ohio
Adam Argo 18 male white born Ohio
Occupation, Cooper, Store Owner,Farmer. William could read an
d write
Source- Mercer County Pioneer Traces Vol 1 pg 62. William move
d to Princeton after July 25, 1846 and served with son Lewis i
n the Civl War. Both were privates in the militia cavalry. O
n 30april, 1862, William became quartermaster Sergeant and 6 mo
nths later was promoted to orderly sergeant. 1863 William was a
gain promoted to 1st Lieutenant and was sent after deserters. I
n 1864 he led an attack on Rocheport, BooneCounty, Missouri and th
e skirmish aided in driving the rebels back. shortly after Marc
h 31, the 7th Cavalry went to St. Louis where Willilam Argo wa
s honorably discharged on 17 apr 1865.
1880 Missour Census Marion,Mercer,Missouri
FHL film 1254703 NA film T9-0703 Page 27A
William Argo self married,male white 54 Ohio, Farmer, Oh Oh
Ann M. Argo Wife married female white 52 PaHousekeeping Pa Pa
Naoma Argo Mother widow, female, white, 70, Oh Oh
In Hamilton Twp., Decatur County, on William Argo's death certif
icate it statethat he was born in Mansfield, Ohio. William i
s probably the 5-10 year old in the Federal 1830 Census of the W
illiam Burge family, as he was 5 1/2 years old in NOv 1830, th
e date of the Census.
After William and Anna Mary Argo are married we find land record
s in Richaldn County, Ohio. One dated 13th Day of March 1848 "the
y pruchased Lot #2 in Frees Addition, Mansfield from JohnFree a
nd wife." One dated July 8, 1848 "William Argo and Anna Mary hi
s wife to Ann Winfield and Elizabeth Watson the East half of lo
t #2 in Frees Addition, Mansfield, Anna Mary signed with her mar
k. They sold on 4th Day of MayAnno Domini 1854. The West hal
f of Lot #2 in Frees Addition in Mansfield, Ohio. They are in t
he 1850 Richland County, Ohio, Mansfield Census. District127
, Madison Twp. dated August 26 1850.
William Argo 25 m Cooper 500 PA
Anna M. 23 female PA can't read or write Children are all liste
d as born in Ohio and are
Mary 6, Lewis M. 4, Jessie O 2, William A, 3 1/2 and Anna's moth
erMary McIlvain is living with them.
On page 399 of the 1888 History of Harrison & Mercer County, M
o shows William Argo listed with a group of Early Settlers of Ma
rion Township in early 1850's. William Argo, Justice of Peace
, performed marriage 7 Oct 1859 Joh Davis to Marie Jewett, bot
h of Iowa - Booki A Page 15
Part of Obit of ThursDay April 7, 1898 Leon Reporter
"We regret to learn of the death of Captain. Wm. Argo at home ne
ar Spring Valley last week. Death has removed one of our most h
ighly esteemed citizens and we are sorry the date for an extende
d obituary has not been furnished us."
April 14, 1898
"The last will of Wm. Argo has been field with Clerk Stockton
. It is dated Aug 21 1894 and bequeaths all his property to hi
s wife.
Medical: While a lieutenant in the Civil War he got a bug in hi
s ear and had inner ear trouble from that date on. Was blind an
d deaf for almost ten years when he died.