WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

David Fullmer, 18031879 (aged 76 years)

David /Fullmer/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 27 February 1774 22 29 Reading, Berkshire, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 6 January 1857Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Birth: 17 September 1773 31 27 WhiteHall, Northampton, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 11 November 1856Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage2 March 1802Schuykill, Pennsylvania, USA
16 months
Birth: 7 July 1803 29 29 Chillesquaque, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 21 October 1879Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 17 July 1805 31 31 Berks, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 16 December 1874Pittsburg, Van Buren, Iowas
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 21 July 1807 33 33 Hintington, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 8 October 1883Springville, Utah, Utah, USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 6 October 1809 35 36 Huntington, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 9 February 1886Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 21 January 1812 37 38 Huntington, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 18 April 1870Van Buren, Iowa, USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 3 June 1814 40 40 Huntington, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 18 April 1870
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 7 September 1816 42 42 Huntington, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 2 October 1890Providence, Cache, Utah
Family with Rhoda Ann Marvin
Birth: 7 July 1803 29 29 Chillesquaque, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 21 October 1879Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage18 September 1831Union, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA
Family with Sarah Sophronia Oysterbanks
Birth: 7 July 1803 29 29 Chillesquaque, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 21 October 1879Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage7 December 1845Nauvo, Hancock, Illinois
Family with Margaret Philips
Birth: 7 July 1803 29 29 Chillesquaque, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 21 October 1879Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage19 January 1846Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Birth of a sister
Death of a maternal grandfather
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Burial of a mother
LDS baptism
16 September 1836 (aged 33 years)
LDS spouse sealing
7 December 1845 (aged 42 years)
Temple: Nauvoo (original), Illinois, United States
LDS spouse sealing
19 January 1846 (aged 42 years)
Temple: Nauvoo (original), Illinois, United States
LDS spouse sealing
19 January 1846 (aged 42 years)
Temple: NAUVO,
Death of a mother
Death of a father
Burial of a father
Death of a sister
Death of a sister
Death of a sister
LDS child sealing
26 September 1884 (4 years after death)
Temple: Logan, Utah, United States
LDS endowment
15 December 1945 (66 years after death)
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:12:05
Author of last change: Danny

Latter-Day Saint Biographica Encyclopedia Volume 1 Biogrpahies F
ullmer, David
President pro tem. of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion from 1852 to 1
856, was the son of Peter Fullmer and Susannah Zerfoss, and wa
s born 7 Jul 1803 at Chiilisquaqua, Northumberland county,Pennsy
lvania. He was brought up on a farm and received a common schoo
l education. He left the farm and for a while taught school, af
ter which he went to merchandising. In September, 1831, he marr
ied Miss Rhoda Ann Marvin, daughter of Zera Marvin and Rhoda Wil
liams. Inthe year 1835 he moved to Richmond county, Ohio. whi
le here he heard that the Lord had revealed his gospel again unt
o man on earth. He believed and wasbaptized Sept 16 1836, by E
lder Henry G. Sherwood. The following winter he went to Kirtlan
d, where, for the first time, he ahd the pleasure of meeting th
e Prophet Joseph Smith. Shortly afterward he was ordained an El
der under the hands of Reuben Hedlock in the Kirtland Temple; h
e also received a partirarchal blessing under the hands of Patri
arch Joseph Smith Sen . In September1837, he removed to Caldwe
ll county, Missouri that he might be near the principal gatherin
g place of the Saints, and in the spring of 1838 he removed (p2
90) to Daviess county in the same State. The following summer h
e had a severe attack of sickness which threatened his life, bu
t through the healing power of God he was restored to health. A
t this time great persecution raged agains the Saints, and afte
r Governor Lilburn W. Boggs had issued an order ofexterminatio
n agains them, they were compelled to leave their homes and poss
essions in Missouri. Elder Fullmer and his family were among th
e number forced to leave all and flee for their llives. He remo
ved to the State of Illinois, where he left his family while h c
ontinued the journey to Ohio, and assisted in moving his fathe
r to Illinois. Settling in Nauvoo, Hancock,Illinois.Elder Ful
lmer was ordained to the office of a High Priest in 1839 and app
ointed onf of the High Council for that Stake of Zion. In 184
4 he was appointed one of the electioneering missionaries in beh
alf of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and was engaged in this labo
r and in preaching the gospel in the Stateof Michigan, when th
e news was received ot he martyrdom of the Prophet Josephand Pa
triarch Hyrum Smith. Elder Fullmer immediately returned to hi
s homein Nauvoo and attended the general meeting of the Church
, at which the claims of Sidney Rigdon, as guardian of the Churc
h, were rejected, and the TwelveApostles, with Brigham Young a
t the Head, were sustained as the rightful leaders of the Church
. Elder Fullmer was appointed as a member of "The Living Consti
tution" committee, the business of which was to settle all diffi
cultieswhich might arise among the different mechanical associa
tions. He was alsoa member of the Nauvoo City Council; and whe
n the State legislature repealedthe charter of the city of Nauv
oo, he was elected to the town council of nauvoo. He was also c
hosen a member of the Council of Fifty.