WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

William Thompson, 17001786 (aged 86 years)

William /Thompson/
Given names
Family with Mary Starkey
Birth: 1700Addingham, Yorkshire, England
Death: 27 November 1786
Birth: 1754 54 Addingham, Yorkshire, England
Death: 13 June 1834
5 years
Birth: 1758 58 Addingham, Yorkshire, England
Death: Addingham, Yorkshire, England
Birth of a daughter
Christening of a daughter
Birth of a son
Marriage of a daughter
27 November 1786 (aged 86 years)
LDS baptism
1 December 1931 (145 years after death)
LDS endowment
26 May 1932 (145 years after death)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Name Suffix:<NSFX> Rector of Addingham
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Reverend
James Carrdied in 1745, in which year the first of the three Wi
lliam Thompsons becameRector. He was presented by Sir John Ingi
lby but it is not known how or whenthe patronage passed to hi
m from the University of Cambridge. Many changes were to take pl
ace during William Thompson's 37 years as Rector.
In 1782 the first William Thompson resigned the living in favou
r of his 24 year old son, also William Thompson. The patron agai
n being Sir John Ingilby.
Addingham Parish Record.
The Rev. William Thompson, Rector of Addingham. D. 27 Nov Bur 3
0 Nov in the chancel 86 yrs. Old Age
Ilkley Parish Record
Be it Remembered that upon the same Day being SunDay the Reveren
d John Chapman Clerk Vicar of Ilkley did in the Audience of th
e public Congregation in the afternoon of thesame Day distinctl
y Orderly and Audibly read all the Nine and Thirty Articleof th
e Doctrine of the Church of England giving his Unfeigned Assen
t Consent and Approbation of them and every of them -- and at th
e same time in the presence of the said Congregation did declar
e his Unfeigned Assent and Consentto all and Every Thing contai
ned and prescribed in the Book of Common Prayerthe Psalter or P
salms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churche
s and the Form and Manner of maKing Ordaining and Consecrating d
id likewise declare that he would conform to the Liturgy of th
e Church of England asit is now by Law established according t
o the Form prescribed in the severallActs of Parliaments in tha
t Behalf made and provided. In Names the Day andYear above Wri
Churchwardens, John Bolling, Jospeh Pickard
William Thompson, Addingham
Wm. Clough, Ilkley