WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Peter Brown, 1633

Peter /Brown/
Given names
Birth of a son
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Siles says:
Ancestor of the Windsor Browns, Carpenter, came to Plymouth in t
he Mayflower, 1620, being then unmarried: in div. of Plymouth la
nds, 1623, had but one acre of land assigned to him; but in 1627
, in div of cattle, his name, with those of mary and Martha brow
n, occurs, each of them receiving a share in the lot; he died 16
33, inventory, presented Oct 4, 1633. The order ofCourt on Set
t of his est. mentions his having had "divers children by diver
s wives." Mary his wid., was second wife and administratrix, an
d aside from15 pounds sett on his two daus, rec'd the remainde
r of his est for suport ofher young family
However, that Peter Browne of the Mayflower was the ancestoro
f the Windsor Browns is specifically disputed toDay. The Genera
l Societyof Mayflower Descendants has published a series of boo
ks one on each Mayflower passenger that covers the first five ge
nerations of each [Mayflower Families for Five Generations: Pete
r Browne by Robert S. Wakefield, vol 7, 1992 "Itmust therefor
e be concluded that the Peter Brown of Plymouth is NOT the paren
t of the Peter Brown of Windsor, however, a proven connection t
o Peter Brown of the Mayfloer, is Capt. John Brown, who marrie
d Hannah Owen.