WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Thomas Richardson Todd, 18831968 (aged 85 years)

Thomas Richardson /Todd/
Given names
Thomas Richardson
Family with parents
Birth: 18 February 1856 35 29 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Death: 18 November 1932Ballard Precinct, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
Birth: 20 December 1859 30 32 Mt Vernon, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania
Death: 31 January 1948Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage16 December 1880Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
1 year
elder sister
Birth: 5 December 1881 25 21 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 14 October 1945Arcadia, Duchesne, Utah, USA
20 months
Birth: 1 August 1883 27 23 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 2 August 1968Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 25 September 1885 29 25 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 12 February 1968Fullerton, Orange, Ca., USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 23 January 1888 31 28 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 20 June 1891Heber, Wasatch, Utah, USA
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 14 February 1891 34 31 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 18 May 1980Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 1 May 1893 37 33 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 29 March 1975Roosevelt, Duchesne, Utah, USA
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 12 December 1895 39 35 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 26 June 1983Marion, Wasatch, Utah, USA
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 28 November 1898 42 38 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 2 January 1903Jensen, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 1 December 1901 45 41 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
5 years
younger brother
Birth: 12 October 1906 50 46 Jensen, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
Death: 13 November 1984Santaquin, Ut., Utah, USA
Family with Alice Timothy
Birth: 1 August 1883 27 23 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 2 August 1968Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Birth: 20 December 1886 32 26 Maeser, Uintah County, Utah, USA., USA
Death: 21 October 1918Cedarview, Duchesne, Utah, USA
Birth: 1 July 1908 24 21 Jensen, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
Death: 14 December 1991Bountiful, Davis, Ut., USA
3 years
Birth: 10 December 1910 27 23 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
Death: 11 July 1994Bountiful, Davis, Ut., USA
Birth: 10 December 1910 27 23 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
Death: 28 October 1918Cedarview, Duchesne, Utah, USA
Naomi Todd
Donald J Todd
Family with Cora Powell
Birth: 1 August 1883 27 23 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Death: 2 August 1968Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Birth: 16 August 1901 24 21 Price, Carbon, Ut., USA
Death: 23 February 1987Kaysville, Davis, Ut., USA
Birth: 9 December 1923 40 22 Cedarview, Duchesne, Utah, USA
Death: 10 December 1990Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Death of a sister
LDS baptism
15 August 1892 (aged 9 years)
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Death of a maternal grandmother
Burial of a maternal grandmother
Birth of a sister
Death of a sister
Death of a maternal grandfather
Burial of a maternal grandfather
Birth of a brother
LDS endowment
14 August 1907 (aged 24 years)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Death of a paternal grandmother
Burial of a paternal grandmother
Birth of a son
Death of a paternal grandfather
Burial of a paternal grandfather
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Death of a wife
Burial of a wife
Death of a son
Burial of a son
Birth of a daughter
Death of a father
Burial of a father
Marriage of a son
Death of a sister
Burial of a sister
Death of a mother
Burial of a mother
Death of a sister
Burial of a sister
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:12:03
Author of last change: Danny

Served as Bishop of the Cederview Ward 14 April 1918 until 1929.
Served as a High Councilman in Roosevelt Stake from 1928 to 1949
From 1941 to 1945, He served as coordinator for the Uintah Basi
n Welfare Program.
PriestHood Line.thomas R. Todd, ordained a Seventy on 18 Sep 1
910 by Francis M. Lyman, who was ordained by his fther, Amasa M
. Lyman, who was ordained by Joseph Smith.Signed, Thomas Richa
rdson Todd
I, Thomas Richardson Todd, son of Thomas Todd Jr. and Harr iet R
ichardson, was born in Heber city, UT on 1Aug 1883 . I was
blessed by Thomas Todd Sr. and was baptized by Rob ert Dukeon 1
5 Aug 1892 and confirmed by Thomas Todd Sr. o n 15 Aug
We livedon a small farm of about 15 or 16 acres jo ining the ci
ty limits. Our home was a two story frame buil ding with a large
granary and a large barn with stables fo r cows and horses. I at
tended school in a rock schoolhous e in the North east part of t
My first school teache r was Henry M. Aird. I graduatedfrom dis
trict school in 1 900. In the late summer of 1902, I receive
d a letter
fro m the Presiding Bishops Office to attend school at the Bri
g ham Young Academy at Provo, UT. I also attended the Uinta h
Academy at Vernal during1905 and 1906.
In the fall of 1902, my parents sold out at Heber City an d move
d to Jensen, Uintah Co, and bought a 120 acre farm . For the nex
t 3
or 4years I worked on the farm part tim e and the balance on th
e range in Utah and Colorado, takin g care of about 100 Head of
cattle. One winter I worked o nbuilding railroad from Mack, Col
orado to Dragon, Utah. O ne other winter I worked at Ourray, Uta
helping build a fe rry boat across the Green River.
Inthe spring of 1906, I filed on a homestead North and ea st o
f Roosevelt, onthe reservation that had been opened fo r settle
ment in
1905. The next few years, I moved back an d forth between Roosev
elt and Vernal.
I was ordained aPriest on 30 April 1903, by Archie S. Ric hards
on, an uncle. On 5 August 1907, I was ordained an Elde r by Davi
Timothy, Alice's father, preparing to go to th e Salt Lake Templ
e to be married. With Alice Timothy, m y intended wife and my si
Joanna, we left Jensen wit h a team and wagon. We reached Hebe
r in four Day, then too k the train to Salt Lake City. We went
through the templ e on 14 August 1907, and were married by Bro
. John R. Winde r.
I wasordained a Seventy on 18 Sep 1910 by Francis M. Lyma n, su
stained a counselor to Bro. David A. Mackey, Presiden t of the
Stake Supt. Of Religion Classes.I spent two week s with Willia
m A. Mortan organizing religion classes in Moon Lake, Duchesne
and Roosevelt Stakes.
In December of 1912, I was ordained aHigh Priest by Willi am M
. Smart, President of Roosevelt Stake, and set aparta s counsel
to Paul S. Hansen, Bishop of Roosevelt Ward.
In 1914, I moved to Blue Bench with Hugh W. Woodward and F ran
k Horrocks and opened a new town site. After careful in
spection of the canal, we moved back to Roosevelt and buil t a n
ew home east of Roosevelt.
In March 1918, I was called to go toCederview, Utah to b e Bish
op and was ordained a Bishop by Heber J. Grant on1 4 April
1918, at which time we moved to Cederview which i s about 5 mile
sNorth of Roosevelt.
The family at that time was Irwin T. Todd, born at Jensen, UT o
n 1 July 1908; Kendall D. and Kenneth T. (twins), bor n at Verna
UT on 19 Dec 1910; Naomi, born at Roosevelt o n 1 Feb 1914; an
d Donald J., born at Blue Mesa on 28 Aug 19 15.
While we were at General Conference in Oct 1918, we contac ted t
he influenza and Momma (Alice) died on 21 Oct 1918 an d
Kenneth died 28 Oct 1918, and both were buried at Cedervi ew, UT
On 30 July 1920, I was married to Cora Powell of Cedervie w at t
he Logan Temple by John WCarlile. I leased a 40 acr e tract of
land from the government, which I heldfor nin e year, which pro
ved to be a profitablb