WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Jerry Bailey

Jerry /Bailey/
Given names
Jerry Bailey + … …
Birth: 15 December 1823 Tennessee
Death: 19 August 1892Center, Mississippi, USA
Birth of a son
Marriage of a son
Death of a son
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Jerry Bailey, whose paternal ancestery was Scotch-Irish, lived a
nd died in Eastern Tennessee; was the father of James Bailey, an
d I understand that JamesBailey had a twin brother who was th
e father of the late Wilson (Wils) Baileyof Hondo, Medina Count
y, Texas. Wils Bailey moved to Texas from Tennessee with his bro
ther-in-law, Louis Heath and wife, Martha, who before her marria
ge was Martha Bailey. Martha and
Wils were grandchildren of Jerry Bailey; niece and nephew of Jam
es Bailey; and cousins of Tom Bailey. Tom Bailey familymoved t
here from the Sate of Mississippi. I believe, however, that grea
t-grand-father Jerry Bailey had several sons. One of whom die
d before they couldget his shoes off.
Children. The only one that I have an absolute record ofis
James Bailey born 15 dec 1823 Tennesse Died Aug 19 1892 Center,
Recently, I looked up the origin of the Scotch-Irish people. Th
ey wereoriginally Protestant Scots from the Lowlands of Scotlan
d who migrated in the17th century (1600's) to Ulster, in Northe
rn Ireland, of which Belfast is the Capital, and via inter-marri
age with the Irish became Scotch-Irish; ancestery of both Scotc
h and Irish.
This record covers approximately 160 years of our Bailey famil
y in America. At the time that grandfather Bailey was born, 182
3, James Monroe was the President of the United States, an ther
e had beenonly four Presidents before him, Washington, John Ada
ms, Jefferson, and Madison. Our first President, George Washing
ton, was inaugurated in 17890, justone year before Tennessee (1
790) became a state. And the United States extended West only t
o the Mississippi river by terms of a Peace Treaty with GreatBr
itain. Mississippi was admitted as a state in 1817, only six ye
ars before grandfather James Bailey was born. There were few wh
ite settlers beyond the Appalachians before the War of 1812; th
e American people being concentratedalong the Atlantic coast
. The Bailey's have truly witnessed the birth and growth of a n
ation, from the thirteen original colonies to its present fift
ysovereign states. Alaska and Hawaii having only recently bee
n admitted to the Union as our 49th and 50yh states, respectivel
y. We, here in Oregon, arethis year celebarting the Oregon Cen
tennial, --Oregons' 100 years of stateHood (18599-1959)