WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

William Rawson, 1600

William /Rawson/
Given names
Family with Agnes
before 10 July 1600
Unique identifier
Last change
29 August 201100:00:00

will dated 27 feb 1599 copy in Bradford Antiquary, Volume 3 p
t 1 pg 33 and 34fhl Salt Lake
942.74 B2b
Shipley, 27 Feb 2599
Abstract of will of WilliamRawson, of Shipley, gent. (From Wak
efield Registry)
He wills that his wifeAgnes have her thirds. He leaves to Will
iam Rawson, his eldest son, his corslet and the pike to the sam
e belonging, together with his sword and dagger; to eacvh of th
e six children of WILLIAM GARFORTH, his son-in-law, one ewe an
d one lamb; to his son EDWARD Rawson and to his grandson DIONI
S GARFORTH, 5 pounds each, out of 10 pounds due to him byhis so
n WILLIAM upon a bill to be paid at 6 years' end, and if DIONI
S should happen to die before that is due, then his sahre shal
l fall to LAWRENCE Rawson, the testator's son. To his sons, THO
MAS LAWRENCE, and EDWARD Rawson, and to his daughters, ISABELL
, wife of STEPHEN PASLEW, Elizabeth, AGNES and JANE Rawson, he l
eaves all the residueof his goods, to be divided euqlly amongs
t them, saving that the 20 pounds which he paid with his said so
n LAWRENCE, to his master sHall stand as part ofhis portion s
o far as the same will go, and that thus the rest of the siad br
others and sisters sHall take up, every one of them, forth out o
f his goods, so much as will come to 20 pounds a piece, before h
e and they sHall take their equal share of the rest. And sherea
s he has by deed of feoffment, dated1 May 14th Elizabeth (15710
, Granted to the said WILLIAM GARFORTH, and to ANTHONY WALKER O
F Keighley, a messuage and land with appurtenances in Shipley,n
ow in the tenure of WILLIAM BOOTH, clothier, and RICHARD BOOTH
, also one other messuage and two fulling mills, and all the lan
ds, tenements, goits, dams, etc., thereto belonging in Shipley
, now in the occupation of GEORGE POLLARD,- to such uses as ar
e described in a certain indenture bearing date 3 May 40th Eliza
beth (1597), made between the testator andhis son WILLIAM of th
e on part, and WILLIAM Hawksworth, of Hope, Gent., of the othe
r part, that is tosay to the use and behoof of his said son WIL
LIAM Rawson and his heirs and assigns for ever, under the provis
o that if he, the said son WILLIAM Rawson donot well and trul
y pay to the testator or his assigns as he by his last willshal
l nominate, the sum of 100 pounds, that is 40 pounds on 1st Ma
y 1608,40 pounds on 1at May 1609, and 20 pounds, being the resi
due, on 1st May 1610,all to be paid at the capital messuage i
n Shipley wherein I now dwell, between the hours of 10 in the mo
rning and 3 in the afternoon - then the said feoffees, WILLIAM G
ARFORTH AND ANTHONY WALKER, sHall stand of the said messuageso
ore the said testator, WILLIAM Rawson, does by these presents gi
ve the said sum of 100pounds to his sons, THOMAS, LAWRENCE, AN
D EDWARD Rawson, and to his daughters, ISABELL PASLEW, ELISABETH
, AGNES, AND JANE Rawson, to his wife AGNEWS, tohis son THOMA
S Rawson, to his brother-in-law THOMAS PASLEW OF LONDON, draper
, and to JOHN MIDGLEY, of Headley in Bradforddale, on conditio
n that they sHall sell the same for as much as can be got, for t
hem, and to distribute theproceeds amongst his children, viz.
LEW, Elizabeth, AGNES, and JANE Rawson, his daughters.He appoi
nts his wife, WILLIAM and THOMAS Rawson, AND THOMAS PASLEW, an
d JOHN MIDGLEY, as supervisors; and stipulates that if his sai
d son, EDWARD Rawson, and his said daughters, Elizabeth, AGNES A
ND JANE Rawson, will not be counselled, advised and ruled by hi
s said supervisors, of whom my said wife is one, in their marria
ge and in their education and course of life until they sHall b
e of age, he or she or they who so sHall refuse to be coubnselle
d, advised, and ruled, sHall utterly forfeit their parts in th
e said sum of 100 pounds, and their part or parts sHall be divid
ed a