WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Janet Thomson McLachlan, 18401912 (aged 71 years)

Janet Thomson /McLachlan/
Given names
Janet Thomson
Family with parents
Birth: about 1820Kingarth, Buteshire, Scotland
Death: before 1912
elder brother
Birth: 8 October 1836 16 16 Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
4 years
Birth: 24 June 1840 20 20 Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
Death: 27 May 1912Little Kilchattan Bay, Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
7 years
younger brother
Birth: 13 August 1847 27 27 Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
Family with William Fisher
Birth: about 1840Scotland
Birth: 24 June 1840 20 20 Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
Death: 27 May 1912Little Kilchattan Bay, Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
Marriage Marriage8 February 1872Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
4 months
Birth: 2 June 1872 32 31 Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
10 years
Birth: about 1881 41 40 Kingarth, Buteshire, Scotland
26 July 1840 20 20 (aged 1 month)
Birth of a brother
Christening of a brother
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Marriage of a son
Death of a father
Death of a mother
before 1912
LDS spouse sealing
30 March 1982 (69 years after death)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
LDS baptism
16 February 1988 (75 years after death)
Temple: Ogden, Utah, United States
LDS endowment
27 February 1988 (75 years after death)
Temple: Ogden, Utah, United States
LDS child sealing
10 March 1988 (75 years after death)
Temple: Ogden, Utah, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:12:02
Author of last change: Danny

Extract of an entry in a Register of Deaths #82362
Janet Fisher, married to William Fisher, General labourer died
, 1912, Kay St twenty-seventh 9h 0m a.m. Little Kilchattan Bay
, Kingarth, Female 71 yrs. Father John McLachlan, EstateLawye
r (deceased.
Ann McLachlan, ne Mc.Innes (deceased, Cause of death, Pneumoni
a as certified by J.N. Marshall, MD. Rothesay, Signature and qul
ification of informant and residence. James Fisher, son, Brando
n Place, KilchattanBay, Kingarth registered 1912, May 27th, a
t Kingarth, Wm. T. Espilin Registrar
Batch # C115554 Dates 1820-1854 Source Call No 1041085 Film Pr
intout Call No 6900496
Buteshire from GenUKI
"Buteshire. The Islands of Bute, Arran, Great and Little Cumbra
y (or Cumbrae), Holy Isle, Pladda and Inch-Marnoch, comprise thi
s shire, which comprises 225 square miles of land, or 143,997 ac
es.Though far separated from the properly denominated Wester
n Islands, those of Bute statistically constitute a portion of t
he Hebrides...The climate of Buteshire is iminently salubriou
s - neither mists nor noxious fogs, so prevalent in the east o
f Scotland, infest it; snow rearely lies on the hills, and theo
nly qualification to its general genial character is a liabilit
y to severe and sudden rains...The number of inhabited houses i
n the shire is 2,433; the parliamentary constituency for 1876-
7 being 1,195. According to the returnspresented to Governmen
t in 1871 the population of the shire was 16,996." [From Slater
's Directory of Scotland, with Topographical and Postal Informat
ion, Volume II 1878]
"BUTESHIRE, insular county in Firth of Clyde. It comprises th
e islands of Bute, Arran, Big Cumbray, Little Cumbray, Holy Isle
, Inchmarnock, and Pladda, and has an area of 225 square miles
. Real Property in 1880-81, 115,991 pounds. Pop. in 1871, 16,99
7; in 1881, 17666. The only townsare Rothesay and Millport, an
d the only village with more than 500 inhabitants is Port Bannat
yne. The county, inclusive of Rothesay burgh, sends one membe
r to A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh, 1882]
Kingarth, Parish,comprising southern part of Bute Island, Rutesh
ire. It has a post office under Rothesay, and contains the vill
ages of Ascog, Kilchattan Bay, Kerrycroy and PiperHall. Its len
gth is 6 1/2 miles; its mean breadth about 2 1/2 miles; its are
a 8995 acres. Real property in 1880-81 9943 pouns. Pop. 1260
. About 4315 acres are arable, about 940 are under wood, and th
e rest of the land is pastoral or moorish. A chief feature is t
he Marquis of Bute's seat of Mount Stuart. The Churches are 1 E
stablished and 2 Free. There are 3 schools for 234 scholars, an
d1 of them and a class-room for 75 are new." [From the Gazette
er of Scotland, by Rev. John Wilson, 1882]
Kilchattan Bay, village and bay, 6 miles south ofrothesay, Isl
e of Bute. The village has a post office under Rothesay. Pop 34
3. They bay has a half moon form, measures about 1 1/2 miles ac
ross the mouth, and has a pier, erected in 1880. Plans were for
med in 1880 for a largehotel, several villas and a water supply
." [from the Gazetteer of Scotland,by Rev. John Wilson 1882.]
Kingarth Parish
Bounded on the North by the parish of Rothesay on the east by th
e Firth of Clyde, on the south by the road running from The Mui
r Raod to Rothesay by New Farm and Scoulag to Mountstuart stable
s and thence by road to Scoulag ferry, on the West by the Mur Ro
ad to Rothesay


Batch # M11551 1855-1874 Source Call No 6035516 Register Film