WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Stephen Moore

Stephen /Moore/
Given names
Unique identifier
Last change
29 September 200200:00:00

Gore's Street Directory of Liverpool 1829 mentioned as Wine Merc
hant with office at 54 Fleet Street residing at 2 Hill Side Terr
ace Everton: 1832 mentioned as Wine Merchant with office at 6
0 Fleet Street residing at 36 Bedford Street Abercromby Square
; 1836 mentioned as Wine Merchant with office at 60 Fleet Stree
t residing at 1 Duke Hill Edge Hill; 1839 mentioned as Wine Merc
hantwith office and vault at 4 Suffolk Street residing at 24 We
st Deby Street, 1841 mentioned as Wine Merchant with office an
d vault at 75 Hanover Square residing at 3 Rupert Lane Everton
; 1843 mentioned as Wine Merchant with office and vault at 75 Ha
nover Street residing at Liscard, Cheshire and 1845 and 1847men
tioned as Wine Merchant with office and vault at 35 South John S
treet residing at Church Street Egremont.