WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Francis Marion Lyman, 1840

Francis Marion /Lyman/
Given names
Francis Marion
Family with parents
Birth: 30 March 1813 29 25 Lyman, Grafton, New Hampshire, USA
Death: 4 February 1877Fillmore, Millard, Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage10 June 1835Kirtland, Ohio
17 months
elder sister
3 years
Birth: 12 January 1840 26 21 Goodhope, Illinois
4 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 22 February 1846 32 27 Nauvoo, Hancock, Il., USA
Death: 21 February 1937Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 21 January 1852 38 33 San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California, USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 25 April 1854 41 35 San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California, USA
4 years
younger sister
Birth: 5 December 1857 44 39 San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California, USA
Family with Rhoda Ann Taylor
Birth: 12 January 1840 26 21 Goodhope, Illinois
Birth: 29 August 1840 Ladison, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 12 March 1917Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA

Francis Marion Lyman was born 12 January 1840 at the Justice Mor
se home in Walnut Grove Township (late Good Hope,) Mcdonough Cou
nty,Illinois, the son of Amasa Mason Lyman and Maria Louisa Tann
er. At age eight Francis was assignedto drive an ox team in hi
s father's pioneer company, starting West from Winter quarters o
n 30 Jun 1848. On 1 Jul at the Elkhorn River he was baptized an
d confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da
y Saints by his father. They arrived at the Great Salt Lake Val
ley on 19 Oct 1848.
Francis Lyman's family moved to San Bernardino in 1851 under ass
ignment to establish a Mormon settlement, which they promoted un
til their return to Utah duringthe winter of 1857-58. Franci
s became employed in the freighting and animalhandling making s
ixteen trips between utah and California. In August 1856 he beg
an courting Rhoda Taylor an LDS immiGrant from Australia; but h
e met resistance from her mother because he had become addicte
d to smoking. Eventually the married on 18 November 1857. In l
ate March 1858, in response to theUtah War situation and by ord
er of Mormon Church President Brigham Young, Amasa Lyman selecte
d Francis and seven other men to explore the Colorado River to d
etermine whether an army could approach from that direction. Th
ey reported in May that there was no such danger.
Francis finally succeeded in breaking his smoling habit, and fro
m then on he held the Word of Wisdom as "a greatprinciple of li
berty, an essential for strong bodies and minds, a thing indispe
nsable to the work men are sent on earth to do." On 7 January 1
860 Francis Lymand was ordained to the Church priestHood offic
e of a Seventy. In Mayof that year, he and his father went o
n missions to England. Francis marriedClara Caroline Calliste
r in 1869, and her sister Susan in 1884, firmly believing polyga
my to be God's law.
Francis Lyman served as secretary and treasurer of the Fillmor
e and Tooele co-ops, and with his father built and operateda sa
wmill and the OK Flouring Mills. He became both a politcal an
d a religiou leader. He served as an assistant assessor of U.S
. Internal Revenue, a lieutenant-colonel in the militia at age 2
5, a territorial legislator, a Sateof Deseret General Assembl
y member, a county clerk and recorder, a superintendent of schoo
ls, and a prosecuting attorney. Lyman had a talent with youth s
erving on the SunDay School Union Board and on the general boar
d of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association. He was tho
rough in keeping genealogical records as well as a detailed jour
nal throughout his life. He served asTooele State President, a
nd on 27 October 1880 he was ordained an apostle byJohn Taylor.
Apostle Lyman filled an Indian mission in 1882. He served as pr
esident of the European Mission from 1901 to 1904, succeeding bo
th hi father Amasa and his brother Platte in that calling. He b
ecame president of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles on 6 October 19
03. Francis M. Lyman died 18 November 1916 at Salt Lake City, U