WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Charles Henry Lish, 19021983 (aged 80 years)

Charles Henry /Lish/
Given names
Charles Henry
Family with parents
Birth: 24 January 1876 38 30 (Willow Springs) Portage, Box Elder, Utah, USA
Death: 26 April 1956Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho, USA
Birth: 19 March 1874 37 35 Kaysville, Davis, Utah, USA
Death: 9 September 1956Sacramento, Sacramento, California
younger sister
Birth: 1907 30 32
Death: 1989Salmon, Lemhi, Idaho, USA
-9 years
elder brother
Birth: 27 February 1898 22 23 Rockland or Malad, Idaho, USA
Death: 17 October 1975Salmon, Lemhi, Idaho, USA
4 years
Birth: 21 February 1902 26 27 Rockland, Oneida, Idaho, USA
Death: 1983Colfax, California
23 months
younger sister
Birth: 1903 26 28 Salmon, Lemhi, Idaho, USA
Death: 1990Salmon, Lemhi, Idaho, USA
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 1905 28 30
Death: 1985Salmon, Lemhi, Idaho, USA
4 years
younger brother
Birth: 1908 31 33
Death: 1979Salmon, Lemhi, Idaho, USA
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Death of a paternal grandfather
Burial of a paternal grandfather
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Death of a paternal grandmother
Burial of a paternal grandmother
Death of a father
Death of a mother
Burial of a mother
Death of a brother
Death of a brother
Burial of a father
1983 (aged 80 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Charles Henry Lish was born February 21, 1902 at Rockland, Idaho
, the son ofPeter and Eloise Harris Lish. About 1920 he move
d to Lemhi County in the Pahsimeroi Valley working in the mine
s and ranching. His sister-in-law, Iris, invited her sister, Ev
elyn, to spend the summer with them. He right away asked fo
r a date to go to the dance. that was all it took. They firs
t lived at Patterson working for a fellow by the name of Cochran
. When their first son was due, Evelyn went home to Hansen unti
l after his birth. Charles broghther home in his "Bug". He ha
d built the car and it had no top and no fenders.
As time went on, Charles worked at different ranches. A secon
d son was born and he became very ill. They took him to St. Ant
hony to a specialist buthe died and his buried there. Two mor
e sons were born premature and didn't live long. They are burie
d at the May Cemetery. In 1930, Charley worked forRox Ranchin
g and Timbering at Salmon. Evelyn and her sister, Iris, too
k ajob picking potatoes along beside men. It was rough times
. They worked twoDays and the employer refused to pay them. R
eturning to Patterson, they leased a ranch. Charley went to Ida
ho Falls and picked potatoes for extra money.Evelyn kept the c
hildren and did the ranch chores as well as household uties. I
n 1936, Charley worked for general Electric Mine. Moved to May
, Idaho, leasing a ranch on a share basis and thirty milk cows
. They sold the creamthat was kept in the ice house, which wa
s made with thick walls filled withsawdust. In the winter, blo
cks of ice were sawed from the Salmon River and hauled by truck
. Ech block was covered with thick layers of sawdust and thens
tacked from floor to ceiling. They were covered with a tarp t
o keep the sawdust out of the food. The ice would last all wint
er and summer. The family enjoyed ice cream from this ice. I
t was not all work. SaturDay nights were spent dancing. Charle
y, was a self made natural musician, as were his parents and sib
lings. From a young age, he learned to play the fiddle, guitar
,saxaphone, trombone and even a saw.
Planes were rare in those Days. One morning an empty plane jus
t skimmed their house and crashed into the mountain side acros
s the valley. Later, they found out hte pilot and passenger ha
d bailed out near CHallis. Charles worked at the sawmill and th
e Blackbird Mine and he lived in Salmon where he built a home.
In 1948 he moved to Weimer, Calfornia, working first in road con
struction then as a cook at the sanitariukm.Evelym went to wor
k there and became a licensed vocational nurse. They retired a
t Colfax, California. Charled died there in 1983 and Evelyn is s
till residing there. They had eight children, namely: Glen, Ral
ph and Kenneth wo all died very young. Weaver, Ray, Dale, Melvi
n and Jean