WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Joseph Kellogg, 16261707 (aged 81 years)

Joseph /Kellogg/
Given names
Family with Abigail Terry
Birth: 1 April 1626Great Leighs, England
Death: 27 June 1707MassachusettsWindsor, Ct, or Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
Birth: 21 September 1646 38 Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Family with Joanna Foote
Birth: 1 April 1626Great Leighs, England
Death: 27 June 1707MassachusettsWindsor, Ct, or Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
Birth: 1 April 1628Buckland Monachorum, Devonshire, England
Death: 14 September 1666Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Marriage Marriage1649
12 years
Birth: 1 October 1660 34 32 Boston, Essex, Massachusetts
Death: 1729Lebanon, New London County, Connecticut, USA
1649 (aged 22 years)
Birth of a son
Death of a wife
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lieutenant
Lt. Joseph and Joanna Kellogg. Joseph Kellogg -bap Apr 1, 162
6 Great Leighs, England; d. before Feb 4, 1708, probably at Hadl
ey, MA. Son of Martin Kellogg and Prudence Bird and grandson o
f Phillippe Kellogg. At Farmington, Ct in 1651 and joined churc
h there with his wife Oct. 9 1653. Moved about 1657 to Boston
, Ma where he purchased property Oct.16, 1659. Sold Boston pro
perty Jun 13, 1661 and moved to Hadley. Agreed tokeep ferry be
tween Hadley and Northampton in 1661, which he, son John, and gr
andson James operated until 1758. the Court at Hadley formalize
d fares andconditions for the ferry in Jan 1675, Jun. 1677, an
d in 1687. He was selectman a number of times, and served on va
rious town commiettees. Joseph was named Sgt. of the military c
ompany (train band) Mar. 1663, Ens in the Foot Company May 9, 1
678, and Lt. of the same company Oct. 7, 1678. He served as Lt
. under Capt Aaron Cook, Jr. until 1692. Was in charge of the H
adley troopsat the Turners' Falls Fight on May 18, 1676. His w
ill dated Jun 17, 1707 and proved Feb 4, 1708, contains consider
able details on his estate and family,and includes his testimon
y of faith. Joseph married first, probably in England and secon
d May 9, 1667 Abigail Terry (b Sep. 21, 1646, Windsor, Ct; d. b
y Oct. 31, 1726, Hadley, MA), daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth
. Abigail'swill, dated May 29, 1717, names the 8 surviving chi
ldren born to her and Joseph, beginning with Stephen (bApr. 9, 1
It was about 1650 that three brothers Joseph, Daniel and Samuel
, who were great-great-grandsons of Nicholas,came to America an
d settled in Connecticut. Joseph and Samuel eventually resettle
d in Massachusetts, but Daniel remained in connecticut. From th
ere they spread on into the rest of New England and the United S

Relationship to the founders of Kellogg's Cereal Company: 1. Jos
eph Kellogg &Joanna Foote. 2 NathanielKellogg 1669-1750 & Sara
h Boltwood 1672-3. Nathaniel Kellogg 1693-1770 & Sarah Preson
t 1693-1756, 4. Gardner Kellogg 1730-1814 & Thankful Chapin 1727
-1805, 5. Josiah Kellogg 1767-1856 and &hannah Smith 1774-1864
, 6. Joh PrestonKellogg 1807 & Ann Janatte Stanley 1824-1881
, 7 John Preston Kellogg b 1852 mElla Easton 7, Will Kieth Kell
ogg b 1860 m Ella O Davis Source: The KelloggFamily in the Ne
w World - Lib of Mich.

The HIstory of Hadley, Massachusetts, page 39by Sylvester Judd
, 1860.
In January, 1675, a committee appointed by the Court made an agr
eement with Joseph Kellogg. He was to have a boat for horses an
d a canoe for persons, and to receive for man and haorse 8 penc
e in wheat or other pay, or 6 pence in money; for single persons
, 3 pence, and when morethan one, two pence each. On Lecture (
*) Day,s people passing to a from Lecture were to pay only one p
enny each, if 6 or more went over together. Troopers passing t
o and from trooping exercises, were to pay only 3 pence for ma
nand horse. Kellogg might entertain travelers.
In 1687, another agreement wasmade with Joseph Kellogg. The fa
re for horses, men and troops was the sameas in 1675. Lecture
s not mentioned. After Day-light till 9 o'clock, he mighttak
e double price. At later hourse, and in storms and floods, thos
e who would cross, must agree with the ferryman. Kellogg was st
ill allowed to entertain strangers. Others might not carry ove
r persons within 50 rods of the ferry place, except men to thei
r Day-labor.--Joseph Kellogg and his son John Kellogg and his gr
andson James Kellogg kept this ferry until 1758, almost a centur
y and Stephen Goodman, who married a daughter of James Kellogg k
ept it still later, and from him it received its last name "Good
man's Ferry."