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Hosier J. Harris, 1839

Hosier J. /Harris/
Given names
Hosier J.
Family with parents
Birth: 20 May 1802Kortright, Delaware, New.York, USA
Death: 2 June 1885Switzerland, Indiana., USA
Birth: about 1804USA
Marriage Marriage5 January 1826Quercus Grove, Switzerland, Indiana
7 years
elder sister
Birth: about 1832 29 28 Switzerland, Indiana, USA
8 years
Birth: August 1839 37 35 Switzerland, Indiana., USA
Family with Rachel Scranton
Birth: August 1839 37 35 Switzerland, Indiana., USA
Birth: about 1841 Switzerland, Indiana, USA
Marriage Marriage30 October 1864Switzerland, Indiana, USA
3 years
Birth: 1867 27 26 Switzerland, Indiana., USA
3 years
Birth: 1869 29 28 Switzerland, Indiana., USA
-5 years
Birth: 1863 23 22 Switzerland, Indiana., USA
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Death of a father
LDS baptism
8 October 2002 (aged 163 years)
Temple: St. George, Utah, United States
LDS spouse sealing
11 March 2003 (aged 163 years)
Temple: Ogden, Utah, United States
LDS endowment
20 November 2003 (aged 164 years)
Temple: St. George, Utah, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:11:58
Author of last change: Danny

Hosier J. Harris, one of the leading farmers of Posey Township
, and son of Jacob R. Harris, was born in Switzerland County i
n August, 1839. He grew to maturity on the farm with his paren
ts, and shared the advantages of the commonschools. When abou
t twenty-one years of hage he married Rachel Scranton, daughte
r of Robert Scranton, and engaged in business on his own respons
ibility. He has been quite sucessful, and now owns one of th
e best bottom farms in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Harris have th
ree children: Pearl, Gertrude andLucian
Civil War Service Records
Name: Hosier J. Harris
Company: C
Unit: 83 Indiana Infantry.
Rank - Induction: Private
Rank - Discharge:Private
Allegiance: Union
American Civil War Soldiers
Name: Hosier J Harris ,
Residence: Patriot, Indiana
Enlistment Date: 15 August1862
Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Side Served: Union
State Served: Indiana
Unit Numbers: 639 639
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 August 1862
Enlisted in Company C, 83rd Infantry Regiment Indiana on 15 Augu
st 1862.
Discharged Company C, 83rd Infantry RegimentIndiana on 07 Janua
ry 1863
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American Civil War, 83rd Regiment Indiana
Regiment: 83rd Infantry Regiment IN
Date Mustered:03 June 1865
Regiment Type: Infantry
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 5
Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 56
Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 3
Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers
Regimental History
Eighty-third Infantry INDIANA
Eighty-third Infantry. -- Cols., Benjamin J. Spooner, George
H. Scott; Lieut.-Cols., James H. Cravens, Benjamin H. Myers,
George H. Scott, William N. Craw; Majs., James S. Jelley,
Jacob W. Eggleston, George H. Scott, Eli F. Scott.
This regiment was organized at Lawrenceburg and was mustered
in Sept. 9, 1862. It was composed ofnine companies of
enlisted men and one company of drafted men, the drafted men
being discharged from service at the end of nine months from
Nov. 15, 1862.
The regiment moved to Memphis, where it was assigned to the
army operating in Western Tennessee, and participated in the
march to the Tallahatchie and the December campaign against
Vicksburg, being actively engaged in the assault at Chickasaw
Bluffs. It then joined the Arkansas expedition and was
engaged in the storming and capture of Arkansas Post, after
which it joined Grant's army and took part in the operations
about Vicksburg.
Moving to the rearof the city, it was engaged at the battle
of Champion's Hill, then entered the trenches at Vicksburg and
was constantly on duty, often under fire, untilits
capitulation, taking part in the assaults of May 19 and 22.
It was in the siege and capture of Jackson, and at the close
of the Vicksburg campaign accompanied Sherman's army to
Memphis, marched thence to Chattanooga and participated at
Missionary Ridge. It passed the winter in camp near
Cleveland, Tenn., then joined the forces entering upon the
Atlanta campaign, being actively engaged at Resaca, Dallas,
New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, near Atlanta, and at
Jonesboro, and then moved North in pursuit of Hood in October.
It was with Sherman on the march to Savannah took part in the
assault upon Fort MCallister, then moved to Beaufort S. C.,
whence it accompanied the army on its march through the
Carolinas to Goldsboro, being in the battles of Columbia,S.
C., and Bentonville, N. C. After Johnston's surrender, it
marched to Washington by way of Raleigh, Petersburg and
Richmond, and participated in thegrand review in May.
It was mustered out June 3, 1865 and the recruits were
transferred to the 48th Ind.
The original strength of the regiment was 973 andit gained by
recruits, 120; total, 1,093. Loss by death, 249; desertion,
19; unaccounted for, 116.
Source: Union Army, vol