WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Thomas Todd, 18211909 (aged 88 years)

Thomas /Todd/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: about 1787 37 31 Glencarin, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 18 October 1849Penpont, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Birth: about 1786 25 28 Wanlockhead, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 27 March 1852Penpont, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Marriage Marriage12 June 1812Dunscore, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
9 years
Birth: 28 January 1821 34 35 Penpont, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 5 October 1909Heber, Wasatch, Utah, USA
-8 years
elder brother
Birth: 6 June 1813 26 27 Auchenbenzie, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 6 July 1880
15 months
elder sister
Birth: 18 August 1814 27 28 Auchenbenzie, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 27 February 1893
20 months
elder brother
Birth: 8 April 1816 29 30 Auchenbenzie, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 6 November 1847penpont, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Family with Mary Shankland
Birth: 28 January 1821 34 35 Penpont, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 5 October 1909Heber, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Birth: 8 September 1817 26 23 Durrisdeer, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: August 1849
Family with Margaret Shankland
Birth: 28 January 1821 34 35 Penpont, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 5 October 1909Heber, Wasatch, Utah, USA
Birth: 12 November 1826 35 32 Durrisdeer, Dumfrieshire, Scotland
Death: 21 May 1908Heber, Wasatch, Ut., USA
Marriage Marriage25 January 1850Dumfrieshire, Scotland
10 months
Birth: 1 December 1850 29 24 Sanquhar, Dumfries, Scotland
Death: 14 April 1861Heber, Wasatch, Ut., USA
2 years
Birth: 4 December 1852 31 26 Kirkconale, Dumfries, Scotland
Death: 23 March 1854At SEA
3 years
Birth: 18 February 1856 35 29 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Death: 18 November 1932Ballard Precinct, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
3 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
Birth: 15 March 1865 44 38 Heber, Wasatch, Ut., USA
Death: 18 May 1891Heber, Utah, USA
Death of a maternal grandmother
Death of a paternal grandmother
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a brother
Burial of a brother
Death of a wife
Death of a father
Burial of a father
LDS baptism
15 September 1850 (aged 29 years)
Birth of a son
Death of a mother
Burial of a mother
Birth of a son
Death of a son
Burial of a son
Birth of a son
LDS endowment
8 November 1856 (aged 35 years)
Temple: Endowment House
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Death of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a son
Death of a brother
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Death of a daughter
Death of a sister
Death of a wife
Burial of a wife
LDS child sealing
12 March 1941 (31 years after death)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

I, Thomas Todd Sr. will note down a few items of my past l ife
. I was born inthe year of 1821, January 28. My paren ts were J
Todd and Marion Lorrimer. My father was a ver y pious man and we
ll living man according to the lighthe h ad. He belonged to the
Relief Presbyterian Church, bein g an Elder thereof for over thi
rty years. I was also a mem ber of the same Church for some tim
e in my
youth. I was ve ry much exercised about by hereafter, and believ
ed in a Go d and a future state of existence. I called ferventl
y on t hat
Godthat I had full confidence in, for I was a great Bi ble read
er and had committed a great deal of it to memory.
I became dissatisfied with my former beliefs and also thos e o
f my fathers. I had become a member of their Church an d partake
n of the
Lord's supper with them. I had asked som e questions that were n
ot answered to my satisfaction by ou r minister. I said to my fa
and his minister, "You ma y take your road but I must take mine
" and in this unsettle d state I remained until the Latter-Day S
aints found
me. M y father had been dead for eight months. I was the engag
e d as a farm servant by the year.
A former companion of mine by the name of James Steel ha d gon
e to England and there he had become a Latter-Day Sain t. He cam
e to
our house and I had a long argument with him . But he left wit
h me no room to stand on. So heleft an d went back to England
, and I
was left alone for there wer e no Mormons in the country I live
d in. But I was not lef t alone for the Spirit of the Lord strov
e with me
and I wa s led by an unseen power. Until one morning as I got ou
t o f bed a voice in by hearing said, "The Holy Ghost is giv
e n by the
laying on of hands." And the following mornin g a voice also sai
d, "The gift of healing is given by the l aying on of hands." Th
is was in
Dumfrieshire County, Scotl and.
I learned there was a small branch of the Church in Ayrshi re, s
ixteen miles from where I lived. I resolved to pay th em a visit
.So on the
morning of the 15th of September, 18 50, I along with John M. Mu
rdock, brother-in-law to James S teel, went to Lugar Iron Work
s by
Cumnock, Ayrshire. Our m eeting was a very agreeable affair. A
t the end of the meet ingI asked for baptism, and I was the bur
ied in the
dear s tream of Lugar andconfirmed by the water's edge. But Jo
h n Murdock could not see me baptized but went to one side . I w
baptized by Peter Robinson and confirmed by James Adamson. Joh
n Murdock went to his mother's that evenin g as she was livingi
the part of the country and I went a long.
This was in the middle of ourharvest. I with two of my f ello
w servants, was cradling oats, along with some other me n and wo
While we were whetting of scythes, my maste r saysto me, "Thoma
s, do you believe in inspiration in th e present Day?" My maste
r tried
to understand me, but th e Holy Ghost rested upon me at that tim
e to that degree tha t they were amazed at me, and I did then kn
ow that
the Holy Ghost was given by the laying on of hands. When I wa
s ba ptized I was promised that two of the elders would visi
t m e in
two weeks from that Day whichwas SunDay.
The president of the branch, Thomas Heatly, and Isaac Wils on ca
me as promised and baptized my wife, and John H. Murdo ck and hi
wife whowas a sister of James Steel. I was the n living at th
e Barr farm near Sanghar, and they lived in K irkconnell. We ar
e all four
now living in Heber City.
My parents had six sons and five daughters, all grown to m an an
d womanHoodbefore there was a death in the family . I was the f
son. There were five older children an d five children younger t
han myself. Now, there is just on e younger sister left. There w
ere none
of my relations o r of my wife's relatives that ever embraced th
e gospel up t o th