WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Lyon Pilkington

Lyon /Pilkington/
Given names
Birth of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Wakefield Church, Part of a Transcript by The Rev. J.L.Sisson A
.M. Published 1824, on line by Guy Etchells 2002.
"When the Chancel was wainscotted, the late Sir Lionel Pilkingto
n of Chevet repaired this Chantry, and erected therein a handsom
e monument to the memory of his father, and grandfather, compose
d of a full length figure reclining under a canopy, with the fol
lowing inscription beneath:- M.S.
Lyon Pilkington Baronetti,
Supremis hisce, quos solvimus, honoribus
In tantum digni
Quantum a suis olim bene meruit,
Et ab aliis, quousq. innotuit, universis;
Qui, capaci & pene ad omnia versatili ingenio,
Avitam & vere liberalem
Excoluit virtutem
Summisaequus, inferioribus fungi muniis
Non dedignatus est;
Justitiae strenuus, & (quoad potuit) assiduus
Cultor custosq
Quam suas intrare non passus est aedes,
Alienis expulit discordiam
In amicitiis vel conpingendis vel confirmandis
Pro aegregia, qua erat, humanitate
Promptissimus Author, and Adjutor
Nihhil molestie,
Nihil incommodi detrectavit,
Dummodo prodesset quamplurimis
Hac tamfelici dotatus indole
Hominumq. & rerum perigrinado gnarus
Morumq. simulperpolitus Elegantia,
Haud inutilis vixit patrie Civis,
Nec inucundus amicis
Interfuit Comes
Obiit A.D. 1714 AEtat. swe 54
Dilectissimi conjugis latus claudit
Amata, quam primam sibi junxerat Uxor
Et octo liberorum felix parens;
Quae obiit A.D. 1696
AEtat suce 36.

Lyon, sex fihiorum maximus
Pat4riarum virtutum haeres
Ah (oh! propertas moriendi vices!)
Tituli vix vix biennium
Parentum reliquiis addidit suas
A.D. 1716, AEtat. 34
Avo & patripossuit Lionellus

On a Tablet near the above, -
Thomae Pilkington Barti
Res. virtus, honos
Solun non contigit
AEtas provectior
Natus 1773, Obiit 1811
On the East Wall of thisChantry are the Arms of Pilkington wit
h the following inscription beneath:-
This South Chantry was founded by Sir John Pilkington Knt. in y
e 16th year of the reign of Edw ye 4th after the conquest, by vi
rtue of his Majs. letterspattents bearing date of Westminster y
e 20th Day of Debr Ano Dmo 1415, and ismaintained at the prope
r charge of Sir Lion Pilkington of Stanley within theParish, Ba
rronet, who is lineally descended from ye above said Sir John Pi

Immediately underneath on a marble tablet, -
Sacred to the memory
Of Isabella, Wife of Rev. Richard Hawksworth
and youngest daughter of Sir Michael Pilkington, Bart.
of Chevet near this place,
Born Aug29th 1780,
Died April 30th 1809 age 28 years