WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

George Bliss, 15911667 (aged 76 years)

George /Bliss/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: about 1550Belstone, Devonshire, England
Birth: 1591 41 Belstone, Devonshire, England
Death: 31 August 1667Newport, Newport, R.I., USA
Family with Ann Shaw
Birth: 1591 41 Belstone, Devonshire, England
Death: 31 August 1667Newport, Newport, R.I., USA
Birth: 1645 54 Newport, Newport, R.I., USA
Death: before 4 May 1717
Birth of a son
Marriage of a son
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America, compiled by John Hom
e Bliss, Norwich Conn.,Boston,Mass, printed by the Author 1881
, page 31, 32, 33.
George ofBelstone, En and of Lynn, Ma 1637, of Sandwich Ma 1638
, and of Newport RI wasa son of the first thomas Bliss of Belst
one, at which place he was born in 1591. He emigrated to this c
ountry with his brother Thomas, in 1535, resideda short time a
t Lynn thence removed to Sandwich Ma on the Cape, where April 1
6 1640 a lot of one and a half acres of land was Granted him; bu
t he does not appear to have continued long in the Plymouth Colo
ny, for he was in Newport in 1649. In 1650 he was appointed, wit
h others, to mend and make all the arms in Newport. Gov. Arnol
d mentions him as one of whom he had bought land, and as one o
f the original purchases of the island of Quononicut. In 1655-
6he appears on the Colonial Records as a Freeman; and he bough
t land in Newport as late as March 22nd 1660. On that date arti
cles of agreement were madewhereby Sosoa, an Indian captain o
f Narragansett, deeded (June 29, 1660) a large tract of land cal
led Misquamicutt (was the Indian name of Salmon.) to seventy-si
x of the colonists. George Bliss being on of the number (In 166
9 the territory of Misquamicutt was incorporated under the nam
e of Westerly. Mr.B. died Aug 31 1667. It is known from reco
rds of gov. Arnold that there was a son.