WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Titus Billings, 17931866 (aged 72 years)

Titus /Billings/
Given names
Family with Diantha Morley
Birth: 24 March 1793Greenfield, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 6 February 1866Provo, Ut., Utah, USA
Birth: 23 August 1825 32 Kirtland, Geauga County, Ohio, USA
Death: 12 March 1883
23 months
Birth: 25 July 1827 34 Kirtland, Geauga, Ohio, USA
Death: 22 December 1896Manti, Sanpete, Ut
Family with Mary Ann Tuttle
Birth: 24 March 1793Greenfield, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 6 February 1866Provo, Ut., Utah, USA
Stone Mason, Carpenter, Musician
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
LDS baptism
LDS endowment
11 December 1845 (aged 52 years)
Temple: NAUVOO
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a son
LDS child sealing
30 June 1932 (66 years after death)
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:11:56
Author of last change: Danny

Ordained deacon Oct 1831, Kirtland Geauga,Ohio
Ordained elder by Thomas B. Marsh 10 mar 1832
Member of Nauvoo Leion 4 Militray Service Feb 1841 Nauvoo, Hanco
Census 1850: City of Manti, sanpete co, Territory of Utah, Famil
y 35-35 page 229 Titus Billings, age 57 born in Mass.
Places of Residence: Morley, Diantah(female) Mentor,Geauga,Oh,.
Places of Residence: Billings,Titus (Male)
1831Kirtland,Geauga,Oh, USA
1832-33; Independence, Jackson,Mo., USA
1833 Clay, Mo, USA
1839 Lima, Adams, Il., USA
1845: Nauvoo, Hancock, Il., USA
1848; Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
1849; Sanpete,Sanpete Ut, USA
1863; Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Titus was a counselor to the Bishop at Far West
Titus was a counselor to Bishop partridge in 1837 (Far West Reco
rd by Don Cannon page 249)
He was an officer in the Nauvoo Legion
Heparticipated in the Battle of Crooked River in 1838 (Revelati
ons of Joseph Smith. Cook, Lyndon 1981 page 102)
Titus was appointed president over the campat Running Water (Na
uvoo: Early Mormon...Series 1839-46. Platt,Lyman 1980
Lydon W. Cook, The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 1
Sond of Ebenezer Billings and Esther Joyuce. Born 25 March 179
3 in Greenfield, FranklinCounty, Ma. Married Diantha Morley in Ge
auga Co, Ohio 16 February 1817. Ninechildren: Samuel Dwight, T
homas, Ebenezer, Emily, Martha, Alfred Nelson, George Pierce, Eu
nice and titus Jr. Baptized in Kirtland Ohiol by Lamanite missio
naries about 15 Nov 1830. Ordained deacon by Octob 1831. Ordai
ned elder 10 March 1832 by Thomas B. Marsh. Appointed by revela
tion August 1831 to moveto Missouri in spring of 1832. Left fo
r Independence, Mo early 1832 arriving before 26 May. Expelle
d from Jackson Co. Mo 1833. Settled in Clay Co. Mo,1833. Ordain
ed high priest and counselor in bishopric in Mo. 1 Aug 1837. Pa
rticipated in the Battle of Crooked River October 1838. Locate
d in Lima, Adams County, Il after Mormon expulsion from Mo 1839. M
ember of Nauvoo Legion 4 Feb 1841. Moved to Nauvoo 1845. Recei
ved endowment 13 December 1845. Sealedin Nauvoo Temple to Dian
tha Morley 30 jan 1846. Moved to Salt Lake Valley 1848. Appoin
ted to settle Sanpete Valley in fall of 1849. One of first sett
lers of Manti, Utah. Married Mary AnnTuttle 20 January 1854. F
our children:Emily, Titus, Theressa, and Alonzo. Located in Pr
ovo, Utah about 1863. Died in Provo, Utah County, Ut. 6 Febr 1866.
Billings, Titus
LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, Andrew Jenson, Vol. 1 p 242
Billings, Titus, second counselor to Bishop Edward Partridge fro
m 1837 - 1840, was born March 25, 1793, at Greenfield,Frankli
n co Ma. He was the second person baptized in Kirtland Ohio i
n November 1830 and in the spring of 1832 he left Kirtland, an
d moved to Jackson county, Mo., where he passed through the terr
ible persecutions of 1833. On the night "the stars fell" (Nov 1
3, 1833, he was engaged in helping the Saintsto move, and the f
ollowing dDay he moved his family across the Missouri riverto C
lay county. He was ordained a High Priest and counselor to Bish
op Edward Partridge Aug 1, 1837, under the hands of Edward Partr
idge and Isaac Morley. He participated in the Crooked River bat
tle and afterwards laid down hisarms in Far West after taking a
n active part in its defense. In company with other brethren, w
hose lives were sought by the mobbers, he lefft Far West in th
e night to escape mob violence. In traveling Northward throug
h the wilderness, he was three Days without food but finally rea
ched Quincy, Il. Subsequently he located at Lima, Adams Co. Il,
. and at the time of the "house burnings" in 1845 removed to Nau
voo. In common withe the Saints generally he was forced into ex
ile, and after passing through untold sufferings on the journey
, he reached Great Salt Lake valley in 1848, crossing the plain
s as captain of the first fifty in Heber C. Kimball's compa