WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Hiram A. Tillotson, 18891906 (aged 16 years)

Hiram A. /Tillotson/
Given names
Hiram A.
Family with parents
Birth: 16 June 1854 26 25 Hinckley, Ohio, USA
Death: 1948Crete, Will, Illinois, USA
Birth: 9 June 1860 Beecher, Illinois, USA
Death: 1940Crete, Will, Illinois, USA
Marriage Marriage16 June 1886
4 years
Birth: 22 November 1889 35 29
Death: 24 May 1906Crete, Will, Il.
16 months
younger sister
Birth: 11 March 1891 36 30 Fernwood, Cook, Illinois
Death: about 1965Crete, Will, Illinois, USA
Birth of a sister
Death of a paternal grandfather
Burial of a father
Burial of a mother
24 May 1906 (aged 16 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Despite the very threatening weather, a great crowd of people as
sembled at the Crete M.E. Church last sunDay afternoon to atten
d the funeral services over the remains of Hiram Tillotson, th
e boy who was drowned in the Faithorn reservior. ThursDay eveni
ng of last week. Long before the funeral cortege reached the ch
urch the seats were all taken except those reserved forthe fami
ly and relatives, and even the foyer and aisles were filled. Wh
enthe services began there were 200 to 300 people unable to gai
n admittance andstood about the Church on the outside.
Rev. L.M. Bussey, pastor of the Church, exhorted the congregatio
n from the text, "Be ye also read, for in such an hour as ye kno
w not the Son of Man cometh." Rev. Joseph Caldweel assisted i
n the service and delivered a fitting eulogy of the boy in whos
e memory the people were assembled. The Church choir sang appro
priate selections, among them being Hiram's favorite, "He Know I
t all."
The floral tributes were numerous and very beautiful. Among th
e set pieces was a broken wheel composed of pink roses and lilie
s of the valley, the offering of the boys composing the P.of C
. Club, of which Hiram was president. Another was a floral pill
ow from the pupils of the Crete school, with the word "Schoolmat
e" in relief in blue violets. The banks of flowers surroundin
g the casket were touching expressions of the love felt for Hira
m and of deep sorrow at his untimely death.
Inspite of the fact that it began to rain as the funeral corteg
e started fromthe Church, most of those present followed the re
mains to the cemetery, werethe last words were spoken amid a dr
enching shower.
The pall bearers were old schoolmates of Hiram's namely: Warre
n Blim, John Diersen Jr., Leland Moore,Leslie Adams, Burt Starr
, and Stuart Rice.
Members of the boys' club of which Hiram was president carried t
he floral tributes, as follows: Russell Smith, Frank McPherson
, Herbert Merritt, Chas. Blim Jr., Charles Trowbridge, Spencer B
lim, Carl Horn, Otto Yaeger, Ellis Adams.