WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Robert Hemingway, 15381613 (aged 75 years)

Robert /Hemingway/
Given names
Family with parents
Death: 23 October 1579Waterclough, Southowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth: about 1502Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriageabout 1536Yorkshire, England
3 years
elder brother
1 year
Birth: about 1538 36 Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1613Overbrae Yorkshire England
1 year
6 years
younger sister
Birth: 1543 41 Southowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Family with Isobel Gibson
Birth: about 1538 36 Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1613Overbrae Yorkshire England
Birth: before 17 December 1544 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage28 August 1580Halifax, Yorkshire, England
11 months
Birth: before 6 August 1581 43 36
Death: 1623
3 years
Christening: 29 September 1584 46 39 Yorkshire, England
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Christening of a sister
Death of a father
Birth of a son
Christening of a son
Christening of a son
Marriage of a son
LDS child sealing
Temple: CLEARE
LDS baptism
LDS endowment
Temple: CLEARE
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Note: Robert Hemingway of Walterclough was also the owner of th
e Newarks, Royds and Ridings which he purchased from Henry Burgh
The Burghs of Flanshaw had been the owners of both Over and Neat
her Lee, and nine closes of land called Over and Nether Newark,
Milner-Roydes and Rydings. One of the boundaries ofthis land wa
s the "lane leading from Halifax through Pule Nick to Shipden Mi
This land was located on the other side of the brook, and part o
f the land had been in occupation of
Edward Gibson when tenant of the mill. "The Over Lee" was adjoin
ing property to Shibden Milne and was to become the property o
f the
Drakes. Robert Hemingway's son Edward later married Pheobe Drake
, daughter of William Drake of the Lee. (Another daughter, Susa
n Drake
married Samuel Lister, son of Thomas Lister and Sibella Northend
. Samuel and Susan's sons, Thomas and John, married the daughter
s, Sibil
and Pheobe, of another Robert Hemingway and his wife, Edith List
er. The daughters were the heiresses of Jane Crowther, nee Hemin
aunt of the girls, and inherited, amongst other property, the Sh
ibden Hall Estate.)
Prior to Edward Gibson's death,in about 1592, Robert and Isabe
l took up residence at Shipden Milne. At somepoint Robert purch
ased from
Henry Burghe, of Flanshaw, the 'Lower Lee', while William Drake
, of Boothtown, at the same time and by the same deed purchase
d 'Over
Lee'." By an agreement dated 1st October 1592, the two purchaser
sarranged between them the apportienment of the tithes and taxe
s. The joint
property was liable to pay a yearly rent to the Queen of 8s. 6d
. and of 2s. tothe owner of the tithes. The owners were also li
able to serve, when
elected, as ' a greave and a half" i.e. to perform the whole dut
ies of one Greave, and share the half of those of another with s
ome other person.
The property being copyhold
was also chargeable with paying its portion of the cost of repai
ring the Lord of the Manor' s mill-dam in Wakefield. This task w
as usually
performed by the copyholders themselves. The witnesses to the de
ed containing this agreement were John Bentley, Humphrey Drake
, Michael
Drake and SamuelDrake.
On the 26th of Nov 1602 a marriage settlement was drawn up betwe
en Robert and Isabel Hemingway when their son Edward became affi
to PheobeDrake. Robert and Isabel conveyed to trustees, Josep
h Drake, of Over Lee andto Michael Drake, of DamHead, yeoman, o
n trust.
One messuage in the tenure of the said Robert Hemingway, one orc
hard, one garden, and one water-corn millcalled Shibden Milne
, in
consideration of a marriage to be solemnized between Edward Hemi
ngway, son and heir of Robert, and Pheobe, one of the daughter
s of
William Drake of the Lee, yeoman. The uses or trusts were that t
he property was to be held by Robert Hemingway, the feoffer, fo
r life, and
after his death 1-3rd to Isabel his wife, for life, and 1-3rd. t
o Pheobe Drake, hisdaughter, for her life, and the remainder i
n whole estate to
Edward Hemingway, his son, in fee. It is noted that this deed on
ly pertained to the freeholdestate. The Newarks, etc., containi
ng 15 acres, were
"courted" on the 10thMay 1603. They were settled in a similar m
There was another settlement, the purpose of which is not appare
nt, among the deeds at Shibden Hall. Itis dated "Easter Term
, 4 James (1606),
between John Sagar, Joseph Drake, andMichael Drake, plaintiffs
, and Thomas Allerton, Richard
Allerton, and Robert Hemingway and Isabella, his wife, deforcian
ts of 3 messuages, 1 water c rn-mill, 3 gardens, 50 acres of lan
d, 20 acres of
meadow, 40 acres of pasture,and 2 acres of wood in Norhtowram
, and Allerton, in Bradford-dale."
In 1607there is a comprhensive survey of the Greaveship of Hipp
erholme, made betweenLordship of the Manor and the copyhold ten
The copyholds and tenementsof Robert Hemingway were described a
s: "Robert