WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

John Mortlock, 16731754 (aged 81 years)

John /Mortlock/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 14 July 1645 39 Pampisford, Cambridge, England
Death: 18 August 1681Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England
Birth: Of Sawston
Marriage Marriage17 October 1672Saint Sepulchre, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
4 months
Birth: before 2 February 1673 27 Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England
Death: 26 April 1754Cambridgshire, England
3 years
younger brother
Birth: before 21 April 1676 30 KellsHall, Hertfordshire, England
Death: 1709
Family with Elizabeth Bittany
Birth: before 2 February 1673 27 Kelshall, Hertfordshire, England
Death: 26 April 1754Cambridgshire, England
Birth: Cambridgshire, England
Death: 6 February 1741Cambridgshire, England
Marriage Marriage20 July 1707Therfield, Hertfordshire, England
20 months
Birth: before 28 February 1709 36
Death: April 1775Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
-10 months
Birth: before 1 April 1708 35 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
11 years
Birth: before 3 June 1719 46 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
3 years
Birth: 1721 47 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
4 years
Birth: 13 March 1725 52 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Hatton Stukins + Elizabeth Bittany
wife’s husband
Birth: Cambridgshire, England
Death: 6 February 1741Cambridgshire, England
Marriage Marriage27 February 1700Saint Sepulchre, Cambridge, Cambridge, England
13 months
Birth: before 1 April 1701 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: before 1704
11 months
Birth: 20 February 1702 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: 10 December 1702
3 years
Birth: 28 August 1704 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: 9 November 1704
Woollen Draper
Birth of a brother
Christening of a brother
Death of a father
Birth of a daughter
Christening of a daughter
Death of a brother
Birth of a son
Christening of a son
Birth of a daughter
Christening of a daughter
Birth of a son
Christening of a son
Birth of a daughter
Christening of a daughter
Death of a wife
LDS baptism
19 December 1981 (227 years after death)
Temple: Los Angeles, California, United States
LDS endowment
28 April 1982 (228 years after death)
Temple: Los Angeles, California, United States
LDS child sealing
4 May 1982 (228 years after death)
Temple: Los Angeles, California, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:11:55
Author of last change: Danny

Name Suffix:<NSFX> I
Expanding from sheepfarming into woollen drapery, John Ihad mov
ed in to Cambridge by 1700 ("woollen draper of Cambgridge"), acc
ording to a lease on some Pampisford land, where he held propert
ies called Colemans, Hancocks, Saustons, and Branditch Close. H
e also had land in Whittlesford. Pampisford itself has been chr
onicled in manuscript by O C May (1985). John Mortlock I died i
n April 1754 and is remembered in a marble tablet in thesouth c
hapel of St. Edward's, Cambridge, where he had served as Churchw
arden and to which Church he, with a fellow Churchwarden, presen
ted a candelabrum. He subscribed to the raising of a force to d
efend Cambridge against the Jacobites at the time of the '45 Reb
ellion (but mercifully Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Scotch rabb
le never got that far.) His memorial carries a cartouche of hi
s arms, ermine a fret azure on a chief engrailed gules three fle
urde lys, or similar but not identical to those (fretty rathe
r than a fret) noted on a house in Haddenham by William Cole a
s ante 1725 and cited by the nineteenth century antiquarian Dr
. William Mortlock Palmer MD of Linton. Different arms, thos o
f the town of Mortlake, were formally Granted to John's great-gr
andsons Sir John Cheetham Mortlock and Dr. Thomas Mortlock in 18
Great Abington, information circa 1900
Great Abington is a parish and village, onthe south bank of th
e rive Granta and on the main road from Cambridge to Linton an
d Haverhill, 1 mile east from pampisford station on a branch o
f the Great Eastern railway from Vambridge to Haverhill, 2 North
-West from Linton, 8nothr from Saffron Walden and 8 south-eas
t from Cambrdige, in the Eastern division of the county, hundre
d of Chilford, union and petty sessional divisionof Linton, cou
nty court district of Saffron Walden, ruran deanery of Camps, se
cond division, and archdeaconry and diocese of Ely. The churc
h of St. Mary the Virgin is an ancient edifice of flint and rubb
le, in the Early Englishstyle, consisting of chancel, nave, sou
th aisle, east proch and south tower containing 2 bells: on th
e North side of the chancel is a monument with reumbent effigy i
n alabaster to Sir william Halton kt. of the Middle Temple ob 20
th Nov. 1639: the Church was repaired in 1895.......The registe
r dates fromthe year 1664. The living is a vicarage, net yearl
y value 98 pounds, including 78 acres of glebe, in the gift of E
dmund John Mortlock esq. who is impropriator of the rectorial ti
thes, and held since 1593 by the Rev. Arthy WorsleySmyth M.A. o
f Trinity College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of and resides a
t Little Abington. Abington Hall, the residence of Percy B. Hal
l esp U.P. is a modern mansion, prettily seated in a well-timber
ed Park of 50 acres, through which flows the river Granta. Abin
gton lodge, the seat of Edmun John Mortlock esq. M.A.,DL.,J.P. i
s a handsome residence, very pleasantly surroundedby about 30 a
cres of meadow land. Edmund John Mortlock esq. is lord of the m
anor and principal landowner. ...Borad Schools, erected in thi
s parish in 1870, solely at the expense of Edmund John Mortloc
k esq. for 200 children, average attendance 80, Miss Emma King m