WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Henry Murgatroyd, 16081702 (aged 94 years)

Henry /Murgatroyd/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 4 August 1575 34 29 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 25 October 1653
Birth: about 1577Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage1 September 1595Halifax, Yorkshire, England
12 years
elder brother
Birth: 1606 30 29 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1662
3 years
Birth: 1608 32 31 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: March 1702
5 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1612 36 35 Hartley Royd, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 28 March 1670
5 years
younger brother
Birth: 1616 40 39 Kershaw House, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
younger sister
Birth: about 1618 42 41 Yorkshire, England
Family with Jane Lacy
Birth: 1608 32 31 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: March 1702
Birth: about 1613 22 Yorkshire, England
Death: 6 May 1699Midgley, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage23 October 1632Oatsroyd, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
Birth: 12 April 1635 27 22 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
21 months
Birth: 1636 28 23 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 25 May 1718
15 years
Birth: about 1650 42 37 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
5 years
Birth: 4 October 1654 46 41 Newlands, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 3 June 1728
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Death of a father
Burial of a father
Birth of a son
Marriage of a son
Death of a brother
Death of a brother
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a son
Death of a wife
Burial of a wife
March 1702 (aged 94 years)
LDS baptism
3 May 2002 (300 years after death)
Temple: Mount Timpanogos, Utah, United States
LDS spouse sealing
24 May 2002 (300 years after death)
Temple: Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
LDS endowment
23 November 2002 (300 years after death)
Temple: Bountiful, Utah, United States
LDS child sealing
Temple: CLEARE
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Oliver Heywoods Northowram register reads, Mr. Henry Murgatroy
d of Ludden buried there March 1702, very aged but bad man age
d 94 or 95
from The BradfordAntiquary, Vol 2 British 942.74B2b N.S.v.2 Sal
t Lake Family History Library
p 390 - 394
XLIX. Midgley and Warley, 4 June 1662
This Indenture made the ffourth Day of June in the ffourteenth y
ear of the raigne of our Sovereigne LordCharles the scond by th
e grace of God Kinge of englandScotland, ffraunce andIreland, D
efender of the ffaith,etc., Betwene Henry Murgatroid of Oatesrod
, in Midgley, in the County of York, gentleman, of the one party
, and James Murgatroid of the same, sonne and heir apparent of t
he siad Henry of the otherparty, Witnesseth that the said Henr
y Murgatroid for the fatherly love and affection which he hath a
nd beareth unto him the said JAME MURGATROID his sonne and for h
is better preferrment and advancement, and for divers other goo
dcauses and considertions him thereunto specially moving, hat
h graunted, barganed, sould, aliened, and confirmed and by thi
s Indenture for and from him his heires and assignes and every o
f them doth fully freely and absolutely graunt, bagane, sell, al
iene and confirm unto the said JAMES MURGATROID his heirsand as
signes for ever. The reversion when the same shall happen to co
me and fall immediately by from and after the decease of his th
e said HENRY MURGATROID, of all that capitall messuage or teneme
nt called Oatesroid with the appurtenances in Midgley aforesai
d in the said county, now in the tenure or occupation of the sai
d HENRY MURATROID or his assignes, And of all that one other me
ssuage or tenement called
Thornylane with the apputenances in Midgley aforesaid in the sai
d county, now in the tenure or occupation of one JOHN FARRER o
r his assignes And of all that one other messuage or tenement ca
lled Brownhill with the appurtenances in Midgley aforesiad in th
e said county, now in the tenure or occupation of one THOMAS BRI
DGE or his assignes. And of allthat one other messuage or tene
ment called Deane, with the appurtenances in Midgley aforesaid
, in the said county, now in the tenure or occupation of oneNIC
HOLAS DRIVER or his assignes. And of one other messuage or tene
ment with the appurtenances in Midgley aforesaid in the said cou
nty, now in the tenure or occupation of one JAMES BRIGG or his a
ssignes, And of one other messuageor tenement with the appurten
ances in Midgley aforesaid in the said county,now in the tenur
e or occupation of one MARY FAWCETT, widow, or her assigns.an
d of all and singular houses, edifices, barns, buildings, stable
s, foulds, gardens, orchards, tofts, crofts, closes, lands, tene
ments, meadowes, feedings, pastures, woods, underwoods, wayes, p
assages, waters, watercourses, commons, common of pasture, and t
urbary, libertys, proffits, comoditys, easements, ahd hereditame
nts whatsoever to the said severall messuages or tenements or t
o any of them in any wise belonging or appertayning or to or wit
h the ame or any of them now or commonly demised, used, enjoye
d or occupyed, or accepted, reputed, had, taken, or knowne as pa
rt, parcel or member of the same orany of them, or of any pte
. or prcll thereof. And Also of all that and thosewater cornmi
lnes commonly called or known by the name of Warley Milens, an
d all houses, buildings, kilns, wase, waste groundes, suits, sok
e, toll, mulcture, customs, priviledges, ways waters, watercours
es, dams and attachment ofdams, goytes, floods, streams, fishin
ge, dovecotes, profitts, commodityes, advantages, emoluments an
d hereditaments whatsoever to the same in any wise belonging an
d appertayning therewith, used, occupyed or accepted, or repute
dparcel thereof, with all the appurtenances in Warley in the sa
id county, andnow in the tenure, possession, or occupation of t
he said HENRY MURGATROID, orhis assignes of the auncient yearl
y rent to th