WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

James Murgetroyd, 15751653 (aged 78 years)

James /Murgetroyd/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 1541 31 Murgatroyd, Warley, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 15 December 1601
Birth: before 20 August 1545 Warley, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage4 June 1565Halifax, Yorkshire, England
11 months
elder brother
Birth: before 12 May 1566 25 20 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1615
20 months
elder sister
Birth: 1567 26 21 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1 February 1639Lower Bairstow, Yorkshire, England
6 years
elder sister
Birth: about October 1572 31 27 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: before 8 March 1612Yorkshire, England
3 years
Birth: 4 August 1575 34 29 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 25 October 1653
2 years
younger sister
Birth: before 3 November 1577 36 32 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
27 years
younger brother
Birth: 1603 62 57 Yorkshire, England
Family with Mary Lacy
Birth: 4 August 1575 34 29 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 25 October 1653
Birth: about 1577Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage1 September 1595Halifax, Yorkshire, England
12 years
Birth: 1606 30 29 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1662
3 years
Birth: 1608 32 31 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: March 1702
5 years
Birth: about 1612 36 35 Hartley Royd, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 28 March 1670
5 years
Birth: 1616 40 39 Kershaw House, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
Birth: about 1618 42 41 Yorkshire, England
Birth of a sister
Christening of a sister
Death of a father
Birth of a brother
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Death of a sister
Birth of a son
Death of a brother
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Death of a sister
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a son
25 October 1653 (aged 78 years)
LDS baptism
10 March 1965 (311 years after death)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
LDS endowment
18 June 1965 (311 years after death)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
LDS child sealing
16 October 1969 (315 years after death)
Temple: Los Angeles, California, United States
LDS spouse sealing
28 August 2003 (349 years after death)
Temple: Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Name Suffix:<NSFX> of East Riddlesden
Extracted christening record for: Halifax, York County, Englan
d Batch P007491 Film #528766
will 1653, proved 1663
Mary Lacy was his cousin
Will of James 1653 "dated 17th Oct, 1653. It was butone week b
etween the stated date of the Will and the date of James's buria
l. In view of the complicated provisions in the Will, one hpe
s that James wasas he stated 'weak in body, but of perfect min
d and memory'/ Cromwell was in power, in Parliament, and had ju
st been proclaimed Lord Protector. These must have been hard ti
mes for royalists such as James. He commenced by stating the da
te as the seventeenth Day of October 1653. Before and after thi
s period Wills gave the date as ....the year of the reign of ...
"The Will first provided that his loving Wife Mary should have '
her rights according to the Law and Custom' To his second son
, Henry he gave Elam Grange in Morton and seven cottages belongi
ng to it. Two closes called Stephen Flatts. An annuity of 3 po
unds per annum bought of John Lacy in Midgley. Four houses in O
venden (including Long Can and Yew Tree) One of these four hous
es was occupied by Isaac Starkey, and he could have been a relat
ive of Nicholas Starkey, who marred James's daughter Grace in 16
43. Warley Mills and kilns....
To his4th and youngest son Thomas of Kershaw House, he left Ker
shaw House. Five houses in Ovenden an annuity of 5 pounds 18s. 4
d. a number of houses and fulling mill at Keighley. A rent ou
t of the Upper Fulling Mill and a house at Wadsworth. Land in t
he Parish of Chipping in the County of Lancaster. To the poor o
f the upper end of Warley and of Midgley he left 3 pounds. To t
he poorof Ovenden 20 s. To the poor of Morton 20s. to the Mini
ster at Luddenden 40s.
East Riddlesden Hall. from www.touruk.com.uk
In the 1630s the East Riddlesden estate was purchased by James M
urgatroyd a rich and respectable clothierand it is he who was l
argely responsibl for the present house.
The Murgatroyds later became infamous for their profanity and de
bauchery and members of the family were fined, imprisoned and ex
communicated. W.S. Gilbert is said tohave based the Bad Barone
ts in "Ruddigore' on the Murgatroyds and popular tradition claim
s that the River aire below the house change course in protest o
f the antics of the family.......
from www.visitbrontecountry.com/eastriddlesdenhall/
James Murgatroyd a staunch royalist from Halifax, bought the pro
perty in 1631 and remodelled it during the Civil War, at a tim
e when Bradford and Keighley were held by Parliament. this hous
e was one of nineteen houses which he owned, a true entrepreneur
, with interests in cloth manufacture, coalmining, farming an
d property in West yorkshire