WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

David Levi Stewart, 18871951 (aged 64 years)

David Levi /Stewart/
Given names
David Levi
Family with parents
Birth: 18 October 1853 41 20 Dry Creek, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
Death: 19 August 1935Alamo, Lincoln, Nv., USA
Birth: 10 December 1857Nephi, Juab, Ut., USA
Death: 19 April 1936Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Ca., USA
Marriage Marriage16 August 1880St.George, Washington, Ut., USA
Birth: 25 March 1887 33 29 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 24 August 1951Alamo, Lincoln, Nv., USA
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 12 June 1889 35 31 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 20 November 1952Alamo, Lincoln, Nv., USA
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 2 July 1891 37 33 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 7 May 1968Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Ca., USA
younger brother
Birth: 13 November 1897 44 39 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 24 February 1975Caliente, Lincoln, Nv., USA
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 9 December 1900 47 42 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 21 February 1979Las Vegas, Clark, Nv., USA
2 years
younger sister
Father’s family with Fannie Maria Little
Birth: 18 October 1853 41 20 Dry Creek, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
Death: 19 August 1935Alamo, Lincoln, Nv., USA
Birth: 4 May 1862 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Death: 20 December 1882Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Marriage Marriage29 May 1879St.George, Washington, Ut., USA
11 months
Birth: 3 May 1880 26 17 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 11 May 1961Orem, Utah.Ut., USA
3 years
Birth: 15 December 1882 29 20 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Father’s family with Rachel Tamar Hamblin
Birth: 18 October 1853 41 20 Dry Creek, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
Death: 19 August 1935Alamo, Lincoln, Nv., USA
Birth: 31 August 1856Pine Valley, Washington, Ut., USA
Death: 17 March 1877Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Marriage Marriage22 September 1873Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
19 months
Birth: 25 April 1875 21 18 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 25 October 1959Lehi, Utah, Ut., USA
23 months
Birth: 8 March 1877 23 20 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 24 March 1877Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Family with Jessie Lamb
Birth: 25 March 1887 33 29 Kanab, Kane, Ut., USA
Death: 24 August 1951Alamo, Lincoln, Nv., USA
Gerald Lamb Stewart
Irene Stewart
Cyril David Stewart
Gilbert Sheldon Stewart
Alden Levi Stewart
Alma Neil Stewart
Harold Press Stewart
Caryl Lucinda Stewart

DAVID LEVI STEWART (1887-1951) Grandson of Levi Stewart and Marg
ery Wilkerson. Son of William Thomas Stewart and Mary Ann Udall
. from www.stewartkin.com
William Thomas Stewart and Mary Ann Udall Stewart were residin
g in Kanab, Utah when their third son, David Levi, was born. Wi
lliam thomas, "Tommy," hadwithin the year returned from servin
g as Mission President of the New ZealandMission.
David Levi was born on 25 March 1887 and spent his boyHood in Ka
nab. His was a typical boy brought up in a typical Mormon commu
nity. When hewas a small boy his rather returned to New Zealan
d to serve another mission.The family lived very frugally duri
ng his absence.
When Dave, as he was called, was about fourteen years of age hi
s father bought a large ranch in Nevada. Tommy felt there wer
e no opportunities in Kanab for a large famly. Theywere a larg
e family by this time, for other sons and daughter had been adde
d to the family since Dave was born. The children were, in orde
r of their birth, William Thomas, Jr., Sumner Udall, David Levi
, Raymon, Carlos, Margery,Paul Edward and Marion King.
Dave, with the assistance of some cousins, drovethe family's ho
rses, cattle and dairy herd from Kanab to Pahranagat Valley wher
e the ranch was located.
Other settlers came to colonize the valley. Theyhired surveyor
s to survey the land so they could establish a small town site
. Tommy gave each of his sons and daughter a building lot of on
e and a quarter acres and, out from town, a farm of ten acres.
After they settled in thevalley another daughter, Mary, was bor
n, kaing their family complete.
They established a country school with all eight grades in a sma
ll frame building.Dave continued in school until he graduate
d from the eighth grade.
The mining town of Delamar was situated about thirty miles to th
e east of Alamo (thename given to the town they had established
). Most of the farms in the valley were planted to alfalfa. Th
is was cut and baled into hay, which Dave freighted to Delamar a
long with butter and eggs.
In about 1905 Dave met his future wife, Jessie Lamb. She had mo
ved with her family to Alamo from Fay, Nevada. She had been i
n the valley about a month before she met Dave at a dance.He a
sked her to go to the 4th of July dance with him and she consent
ed, forshe was attracted to this handsome, dark, curly haired y
oung man of eighteen. Dave called to take Jessie to the dance i
n a black surrey with a span of black horses. Their romance go
t off to a good start. Dave continued to courtJessie for two y
ears and then they were married 30 June 1907. The temple inSt
. George was closed for remodeling so they were married by Dave'
s father. They had ridden horseback to Hiko, which was the capi
tal of Lincoln County, to obtain their license.
When the remple re-opened in October of that year they drove b
y team and wagon to receive their endowments. It took them thre
e long hard Days of driving to reach St. George. Afterwards, th
ey returned to Alamo where they established their first home. D
ave built a room 21 feet square. It had a wooden floor with wal
ls of lumber about four feet high witha big tent to complete th
e walls and to make the roof. There was a window ineach side a
nd a front entrance door. Jessie and her mother made rage carpe
ts to cover the floor and obtained a number of pieces of furnitu
re to furnish it.
Their first child, a son, Gerald Lamb, was born here 5 May 1908
. Shenhe was about six months old they moved to the mining tow
n of Tonopah, Nevada, which was a booming gold mine town at tha
t time. They shared a home with another couple, both cousins
. Omer and Ethel Stewart. Omer and Dave hauled water and sol
d to the residents of the town. The two couples had a great tim
e attending the theatre and prize fights which were brought to t
he town. They lived there about a year and then returned to