WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Samuel Roberts Bennion, 18421915 (aged 73 years)

Samuel Roberts /Bennion/
Given names
Samuel Roberts
Family with parents
Birth: 9 July 1820 33 29 Moore Lane, Hawarden, Flint. Wales
Death: 1 September 1877Taylorsville, Sl., Ut., USA
Birth: 15 February 1842 51 51 Pentrobin, Hawarden, Flintshire, Wales
Death: 6 January 1902Taylorsville, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
Marriage Marriage12 February 1842Liverpool Lancashire, England
9 months
Birth: 10 November 1842 22 0 Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Death: 16 November 1915Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
18 months
younger sister
Birth: 4 May 1844 23 2 Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Death: May 1933Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
19 months
younger sister
Birth: 19 November 1845 25 3 Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Death: 7 September 1847
16 months
younger sister
Birth: 16 March 1847 26 5 Garden Grove, Deactur, Iowa, USA
Death: 27 May 1934Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 5 June 1849 28 7 West Jordan, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
Death: 31 March 1933Taylorsville, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
19 months
younger brother
Birth: 1 January 1851 30 8 West Jordan, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Death: 20 February 1930Meeteetse, Park, Wyoming, USA
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 15 June 1853 32 11 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 6 June 1855
20 months
younger sister
Birth: 4 February 1855 34 12 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 2 November 1863
7 months
younger brother
Birth: 15 September 1855 35 13 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 1 June 1873
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 5 August 1858 38 16 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 13 April 1925
5 months
younger sister
Birth: 18 December 1858 38 16 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 22 June 1923Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Ca., USA
4 years
younger sister
14 months
younger brother
Birth: 5 January 1864 43 21 Taylorsville, Salt Lake, Ut
Death: 27 January 1929Taylorsville, Salt Lake, Ut
Family with Mary Panter
Birth: 10 November 1842 22 0 Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Death: 16 November 1915Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
Birth: 6 November 1846 Oakley, Bedfordshire, England
Death: 10 May 1912Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage28 September 1867Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
16 months
Birth: 26 January 1869 26 22 Taylosville, SL.County, Utah, USA
Death: 1 May 1922Vernal, Uintah., Ut.
20 months
Birth: 21 September 1870 27 23 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 29 January 1910
2 years
Birth: 1 December 1872 30 26 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 18 December 1948
2 years
Birth: 3 March 1875 32 28 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 14 October 1942
2 years
Birth: 8 July 1877 34 30 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 23 January 1902
21 months
Birth: 13 April 1879 36 32 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 7 May 1919
2 years
Birth: 13 September 1881 38 34 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 12 April 1925Bingham, Utah, USA
6 years
Birth: 18 April 1887 44 40 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 24 December 1967
3 years
Birth: 3 October 1889 46 42 Taylorsville, Salt Lake County, U.T.a
Death: 22 May 1962
Family with Agnes Thompson
Birth: 10 November 1842 22 0 Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Death: 16 November 1915Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
Birth: 2 November 1857Union, Salt Lake., Utah, USA
Death: 2 March 1928Vernal, Uintah., Ut.
Marriage Marriage10 August 1879Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut., USA
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Death of a paternal grandfather
Burial of a paternal grandfather
Birth of a sister
Death of a sister
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
LDS baptism
8 January 1851 (aged 8 years)
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Death of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
LDS endowment
5 April 1862 (aged 19 years)
Birth of a sister
Death of a sister
Death of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a son
Christening of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Death of a brother
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Death of a father
Birth of a daughter
LDS spouse sealing
14 August 1879 (aged 36 years)
Temple: SALT
Marriage of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
LDS child sealing
19 February 1889 (aged 46 years)
Temple: Logan, Utah, United States
Birth of a son
Death of a mother
Burial of a mother
Death of a daughter
Death of a daughter
Death of a wife
Unique identifier
Last change
29 August 201100:00:00

came to Utah October 3rd, 1847, John Taylor Company
Obituary: Deseret News, November 18, 1915, p2. G.S. Film #026999
"Funeral services for Samuel r. Bennion, who died atVernal las
t TuesDay night will be held in the Taylorsville chapel SunDay
, Nov 22 at 12:30. Automobiles will meet the Murray car at Seven
teenth South Street at 11:30. and 12 O'clock to take friends t
o Taylorsville and will bringthem back to the car line after th
e services.
"Samuel R. Bennion began to experience the life of a pioneer whe
n as a little child he with his parents wasdriven from Nauvoo i
nto the then wild lands of Western Iowa. The family followed th
e pioneer band with the first company of settlers arriving in Sa
ltLake City Oct 5, 1847. He was one of the founders of Taylors
ville, Salt LakeCounty, where he made his home until he was cal
led to preside over the newlyestablished settlements in Ashle
y Valley. When the Uintah State was organized he was the presid
ent, a position which he held for more than 26 years.
"During the period of his residence at Taylorsville he did muc
h pioneer work outside Salt Lake County. In 1862 he went east w
ith Capt. Lott Smith to protect the mail route against the India
ns. This Company was often without bread and had to subsist o
n horse and bear meat for more than a week at a time. Asa yout
h he managed to live stock business in Rush Valley, Tooele Count
y, where with other members of the family he sometimes converte
d a ranch house into a fort to protect the women and children fr
om marauding Indians. In 1874 the ranching business then establ
ished in Rush Valley was transferred to EmryCounty which was th
en under pioneer conditions. The success of that enterprise tog
ether with the completion of two successful missions, one in th
e United States and one in Great Britain led to his appointmen
t by the Church Authorities to preside over the settlement of As
hley Valley. He promptly trasferred to Ashley the major portio
n of his property which enabled him not only tocarry on a succe
ssful live stock business, but to become identified with every p
rominent business enterprise in that prosperous new community
. He was president of the following business companies: The As
hley Coop, the Vernal Milling and Flour company, the Vernal Ligh
t company, the Bank of Vernal and theUinta Abstract company.
"His wife, Mary Panter Bennion, died at Taylorsvilleseveral yea
rs ago leaving two sons and five daughters. Enos, now of Vernal
, Clyde of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Laura B Diamond of the YLMIS boa
rd, Mrs. EllaStringfellow of Salt Lake City, and the Misses Edi
th Elizabeth and Ethel ofTaylorsville. He is survived by a wid
ow, Mrs. Agnes Thompson Bennion, threesons and one daughter a
t Vernal. They are John, Samuel, Ashley and Vilate.
Deseret News November 25, p 10, G.S. Film #026999
Impressive Funeral of SamuelR. Bennion.
(Special CorresPondent)
"Taylorsville, Nov 24 - The funeral of Samuel R. Bennion was hel
d at the Taylorsville meetinghouse on SunDay, Nov 21and was ver
y impressive. The building is a large one and many people wer
eunable to gain admittance. (Hyrum Bennion, Jr., bishop of Tay
lorsville, presided. The opening prayer was offered by Patriarc
h Archibald Frame. The speakers were Joseph Lindsay of the pres
idency of the Cottonwood state. Hyrum Bennion Senior., a cousi
n to Samuel R. Bennion and the oldest living member ofthe famil
y, President ( ) of the stake and President( ) Roberst of the Fi
rst Council of Seventy. Patriarch Daniel( ) offered the benedic
"The Cornwall Quartett, consisting of Spencer, Claude, Mary an
d Lucille Cornwall sang "Somewhere the Sun is Shining" "Though D
eepening Trials," "Rest for the Weary." Claude Cornwall san
g a solo, "O, My Father" and "Requiem". The pall bearers were Is
rael, David, Harden, Archie and Mil