WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Thomas French, 16081680 (aged 71 years)

Thomas /French/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 1584 29 29 Assington, Suffolk, England
Death: before 5 November 1639Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Birth: before 20 April 1584 27 Boxford, Suffolk, England
Death: August 1658Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Birth: before 27 November 1608 24 24 Assington, Suffolk, England
Death: 8 August 1680Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
17 months
younger sister
Birth: 9 April 1610 26 25 Assington, Suffolk, England
Death: 26 June 1666Topsfield, Essex, Ma
4 years
younger sister
Birth: 31 July 1614 30 30 Assington, Suffolk, England
Death: 30 December 1697Roxbury, Suffolk, Ma
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 15 March 1617 33 32 Assington, Suffolk, England
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 12 March 1620 36 35 Assington, Suffolk, England
Death: 25 November 1635Assington, Suffolk, England
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 26 May 1622 38 38 Assington, Suffolk, England
Death: 1 February 1697Northampton, Hampshire, Ma
20 months
younger sister
Birth: 6 January 1624 40 39 Assington, Suffolk County, England
Death: 6 January 1624Assington, Suffolk County, England
younger brother
Birth: about 1612 28 27 Assington, Suffolk County, England
Death: 28 December 1674Salisbury, Essex County, Ma
Family with Mary Scudamore
Birth: before 27 November 1608 24 24 Assington, Suffolk, England
Death: 8 August 1680Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Birth: about 1612Gloucestershire, England
Death: 6 May 1681Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Birth: 23 September 1632 23 20 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 1633Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
18 months
Birth: 22 March 1634 25 22 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 1719Topsfield, Essex, Ma
22 months
Birth: about 1635 26 23 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 14 December 1661Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
3 years
Birth: about 1637 28 25 Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 25 January 1706Topsfield, Essex, Ma
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Death of a paternal grandfather
Burial of a paternal grandfather
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Death of a sister
Death of a maternal grandmother
Burial of a maternal grandmother
Death of a maternal grandfather
Burial of a maternal grandfather
Birth of a daughter
Death of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Death of a sister
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Death of a father
Death of a mother
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a son
Death of a son
Death of a sister
Death of a brother
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:11:52
Author of last change: Danny

Thomas French, Jr., born Nov 27, 1608, and his sister Alice, boa
rded the "Arabella" with the Wintrop Fleet and sailed to Massach
usetts. They were joinedabout three years later by their siste
rs Dorcas, and Susan, who were servantsfor the Winthrop family
, like Alice. thomas was a humble tailor when he married Mary S
cudamore, who was a member of the prominent family. Thomas Jr..
, and Mary lived a long life together in Ipswich. Thomas fough
t in the Pequot war, for which eh obtained some land. He lef
t a will and we have the inventory of his property. At the tim
e of his death he owned five sheep, three lambs, four cows and e
ight swine. Settlement to the West was hindered by Indians, wh
o killed some Frenches and drove others back from the frontier.
OnApr 8, 1630, the "Arabella" departed Yarmouth, Isle of Wight
, and arrived atSalem, Massachusetts, June 13 and following Day
s. Flagship of the "WintrhopFleet"
Sources: J.B Trelfall, "Thomas French of assington" NE1-1GR 1988
, 250-252 (Edith Lillie Bartley listing), Robert Charles Anderso
n, "The Great Migration Begins" Vol 1, Ipswich Vital Records.
Possibly from "Fifty Families from Essex County,England", sent b
y Mara French, book by John Threlfall: "Thomaswas baptized 27 N
ov 1608 at Assington,Suffolk, England. He came to New England w
ith the Wintrop Fleet of eleven ships carrying about 700 colonis
ts which saild from yarmouth, Isle of Wight, in April and May, 1
630, and which arrived in June and July following. The first o
f these ships landed at Salem on13 June. Thomas French first s
ettled in Boston and presumably was married there about the nex
t year, 1631. His wife is identified ony as Mary. Thomas Frenc
h was made a Freeman of the colony on 6 Nov 1632. About 1634 h
e movedto Ipswich and appears there on record first in 1635 i
n the folloing land records.
20 Apri 1635- There was Granted to Thomas Scott...Likewise an ho
use lott in Mill Streete having Thomas French on the Southeast
20 April 1635- Therewas Granted to Robert Mussey...likewise a
n house lott in Mill Streete lyingebetweene Thomas French and R
ichard Jacob.
20 Feb 1636/7 - There was Grantedto Serg. French ten acres of u
pland at the hither end of a Neck lying beyondReedy marsh, to b
e laid out by the lott layers. Granted to Sergent Freng aparce
ll of upland and medow containg aout three acres on the South si
de ofthe River, adjoyning his planting loft.
From these we know that his house wason Bridge Street just of
f Mill Street.
About 1637 his parents and his younger brother and sisters joine
d him at Ipswich. Three sisters had crossed overto New Englan
d earlier.
Thomas French fought i the Pequot War in 1637, for in 1672, he p
etitioned the colonial government for a Grant of land Northeas
tof Salisbury on behalf of himself and eight other Ipswich me
n who had been of service in that campaign."
Brian Berry." His name (Thomas French Jr.,) appears on the lis
t of original members of the First Church of Boston between thos
e of John Winthrop, Jr., and his wife."
Thomas took the Freeman's Oath in Boston 6 Nov 1632. Hew as i
n Boston when, "this 17th of the first month calledMarch 1634
" John Stratton wrote to John Winthrop, Jr. "In Aggawaam per Jn
o Gallope boate" that "I have putt my sister a suite of Moyhear
s to making att Goom. Frenches, who were the best gett the tayl
or to take her measure andsend per Jno. Gallop." (Winthrop Pape
rs, Vol III, pp. 156-7). Agawam, laterIpswich, had been plante
d by John Winthrop Jr and twelve others in 1633). From this, an
d from a 1647 deed, we know he was a tailor.
His will dated Aug 3, 1680, was proved 28 Sep 1680., inv. 25 Au
g 1680. There is no record of Thomas and Mary's marriage, but s
even children are known, the conception of thefirst is consiste
nt with a marriage in Ma in 1631.
Will of Thomas French, Sr.
In the name of God, Amen. I Thomas French Sen