WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Bathsheba Rouse, 17691842 (aged 72 years)

Bathsheba /Rouse/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: about 1740 Dartmouth, Bristol, Ma
Death: 1818Belpre, Washington, Ohio, USA
Marriage Marriage1766
7 years
younger sister
Birth: 16 June 1772 32 22 Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 28 June 1831Harmar, Marietta, Washington, Oh, USA
elder brother
Birth: about 1766 26 16 Belpre, Washington, Ohio, USA
Death: Belpre, Washington, Ohio, USA
4 years
Birth: 29 September 1769 29 19 New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 27 September 1842Marietta, Washington County, Oh
5 years
younger brother
Birth: 1774 34 24
Death: Belpre, Washington, Ohio, USA
younger brother
Birth: 1782 42 32
Death: 10 August 1855Belpre, Washington, Ohio, USA
Family with Richard Greene
Birth: 1 December 1769East Warwick, R.I., USA
Death: December 1805Marietta, Washington County, Oh
Birth: 29 September 1769 29 19 New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 27 September 1842Marietta, Washington County, Oh
Marriage MarriageBelpre, Washington, Ohio, USA

"Ohio's First School Teacher - Bathsheba Rouse" by Lucy COLE Fle
"Bathsheba Rouse was the first and only teacher in Ohio when sh
e called her class ofchildren togeter at Belpre,Washington Co.,
Ohio, in the summer of 1789. Her pupils met at a little settleme
nt that was surrounded for hundreds of miles with an unbroken pr
imeval forest ingested with wolves and Indians. Her schoolroo
m was a log cabin on the banks of the Ohio River, 14 miles belo
w Marietta. Nineteen year old Bathsheban rouse gathered togethe
r the small childrenof parents who were fighting agains wild an
imals and Indians to establish ahome in the wilderness. Unde
r the most primitive conditions she taught the school which mark
ed the beginniing of education in Ohio and ranked her as thefir
st school mistress in the state and the first teacher under th
e provisions of the ordinance of 1787. It does not detract fo
r Bathsheba's record to read in history that there were men teac
hers in the present state of Ohio before her. For many centurie
s the Indian warriors of this section had taught their sons to h
unt,fish and make arrows and tomahawks, and to take scalps in wa
rfare. Likewise, Indian squaws had taught their daughters to co
ok and weave. Before the pioneer school at Belpre, there had be
en a mission school forIndians conducted by white men in the Mo
ravian mission at Schoenbrunn in Tuscarawas County, to Rev Davi
d Zeisberger, the founder of Schoenbrunn, belongs the honor of b
eing the first school teacher within the bounds of the present s
tate of Ohio, but his pupils were Indian children. So far as i
s known, Bathsheba Rouse was the first woman teacher in the stat
e of Ohio. Her servicesin the Belpre community in the summer o
f 1789 gave her the honor of being thefirst teacher of white ch
ildren in Ohio under the supervision of the ordinance of 1787
. In this sense, she was the first teacher in the state......