WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Thomas Stanton, 16161676 (aged 60 years)

Thomas /Stanton/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 30 July 1616 Wolverton, Warwickshire, En gland
Death: 2 December 1676Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Family with Anne Lord
Birth: 30 July 1616 Wolverton, Warwickshire, En gland
Death: 2 December 1676Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Birth: before 18 September 1614Towcester, Northamptonshire, England
Death: 1688Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Marriage Marriage1637Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
2 years
Birth: 1638 21 23 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
Death: 11 April 1718Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
4 years
Birth: 1641 24 26 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
Death: 31 October 1713Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
3 years
Birth: 1643 26 28 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
Death: 1668New London, New London County, Connecticut
2 years
Birth: 21 March 1645 28 30 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
Death: 21 March 1712Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
2 years
Birth: 21 March 1647 30 32 Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Death: 17 October 1727Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
22 months
Birth: 1648 31 33 Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Death: 1687
4 years
Birth: 1651 34 36 Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Death: 19 January 1743
6 years
Birth: 1657 40 42 Pequot, New London County, Connecticut, USA.
Death: 1698Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
-23 months
Birth: 1653 36 38 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
Death: 25 October 1724Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Death of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a daughter
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr
We have recorded Thomas Stanton, the immiGrant to america as Tho
mas Stanton, Sr because he is the firt "Thomas" in America altho
ughhe is the 3rd in direct descendant line of 5 thomas Stanto
n men. Thomas Stant Sr., father of the immiGrant, in the follow
ing text is recorded in our data as Thomas Stanton, II
Our recording ot Thomas' ancestors was once though tobe incorre
ct based on the following:
In "The American Genealosgists" volum XIV, D. L. Jacobus, New Ha
ven, Conn. 1937, is an article by Clarence Lamon Torrey, PH. B o
f Dorchester, Mass - The Stanton-Washington Ancestry". Almon co
nsulted pubvlished works on Oxford students and John Burke's "
A Genealogicaland Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Br
itain and Ireland". From these records "it is evident that Thom
as Stanton, son of Thomas and Katherine(Washington) Stanton, re
mained in England; that he entered Oxford, aged 17 years, in 163
4, that he married Elizabeth Cookes and had a son thomas who wa
s17 in 1664, when he was admitted to Oxford"
But we believed the ancestry might be correct according to the f
Anna Chesebrough Wildey sources thepedigree of Thomas Stanton'
s acnestors from pag 277 of "Visitation of the County of Warwic
k in 1619, Taken by William Camden Clarendiux, King of Arms: Ja
rleian Miscellany 55 - 1167", Ed. by John Fetherstone, F.S.A., L
ondon 1877; Vol XII of "Harleian Miscellany Soc'y". Est 1869. T
his information was provided her by Dr. George Dallas Stanton o
f Stoninton, Included in this pedigree is:
"Thomas fel et haeres, aet 3, 1619."
Thomas would be 18 years of age in1634 and 19 years of age whe
n he arrived in America in 1635. So then, who is the thomas tha
t attended Oxford? Is there any significance in the age discrep
We searched for more definitive information to determine, one wa
yor the other, the correct lineage of Thomas Stanton the immigr
ant and his family in England. Meanwhile, we recorded informati
on of Thomas' ancestors asrecorded by Anna Chesebrough Wildey.
Now, we have been rewarded with confirmation that Anna Chesebrou
gh Wildey was correct! The Thomas Stanton Society Newsletter, N
umber 4, May 1999 states the following (with references to Clare
nce Terry, author of the article in "The American Genealosgist
" that quoted the Torrey article mentioned above):
"Terry begins his case by quoting 'The Visitation of Warwickshir
e in 1619' in which the parentHood of Thomas is given asthoma
s Stanton Sr., and Katherine. They had two children: Thomas Jr
., heir, born in 1616 and Alice born 6 Days before the visitatio
n. To this pointwe are all in agreement.
We learn from Terry that an Oxford alumni society hasprovided e
nrollment records involving three generations of Stantons: Thom
as Sr., Thomas Jr., and a third Thomas whom we claim has been wr
ongly identified. The reasons for our opinions lies in the Stan
ton memorials found on thewall of Wolverton's Church, St. Mar
y the Virgin. Here, Thomas Stanton, Lordof the Manor, was bor
n in 1621 and died in 1664. His birth was two years AFTER the v
isitation. This Thomas married Elizabeth Cooks, the daughter o
f Edward (This was so noted by Terry in referring to the chart '
Staunton of Longbridge, 1835') It was also found on the churc
h memorial. Another memorial notes the birth of Thomas, son an
d heir of Thomas and Elizabeth, born 1646, died 1715 (He was th
e third Stanton on the Oxford list).
Terry was not aware ofthe Church memorial that revealed a secon
d Stanton child in the family to carry the name Thomas.
Oxford records as quoted by Terry, tell of Thomas StantonSr. bo
rn in 1595, enrolling in Jan 1610 at age 15. He was the fathe
r of Thomas Stanton (Staunton) Jrs., 1st son of Thomas of Wolver
ton, enrolled July1634 at age 17. A third Thomas, 'son of Tho
. Of Wolverton, Co. Warwickshire,gent" was born. He claims hi
m the son of Thom