WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Gordon Henry Mercer, 19201942 (aged 22 years)

Gordon Henry Mercer 1920-1942.jpg
Gordon Henry /Mercer/
Given names
Gordon Henry
Family with Barbara Joan Lawson
Gordon Henry Mercer 1920-1942.jpg
Birth: June 1920Poplar, Middlesex, England
Death: 9 June 1942Germany
Barbara Joan Lawson 1922-2009.jpg
Birth: 10 July 1922 33 32 Prestwich, Lancashire, England
Death: 22 December 2009Blackpool, Lancashire, England
Marriage MarriageDecember 1941Blackpool, Lancashire, England
John Harold Clinning + Barbara Joan Lawson
wife’s husband
Birth: 1 December 1923Blackpool, Lancashire, England
Death: May 1993Blackpool, Lancashire, England
Barbara Joan Lawson 1922-2009.jpg
Birth: 10 July 1922 33 32 Prestwich, Lancashire, England
Death: 22 December 2009Blackpool, Lancashire, England
Marriage MarriageDecember 1947Blackpool, Lancashire, England
9 June 1942 (aged 22 years)
Last change
7 July 201920:41:18
Author of last change: 7mikefh

8th/9th June 1942 (Mon/Tues)

97 Squadron,Aircraft: Lancaster I; Serial number: R5495; Code: OF-N. Based at RAF Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire.

The aircraft took off on Operation 'Essen' the city was classed as one of the major industrial areas of Germany. R5495 failed to return, nothing was heard from them, and no German night fighter claimed the loss of the aircraft.

170 Aircraft (from various bases) involved in mission to bomb Essen in Germany

92 Wellington,42 Halifax,14 Stirlings, 13 Lancaster 9 Hampdens.

97 Squadren sent 6 Lancasters,

20 Aircraft and 96 crew members lost their lives, Lancaster R5495 was the only Aircraft from 97 Squadron that did not return that night. The circumstances of the loss of the Aircraft are unknown.

Mervyn Frank Hughes; Pilot Officer/Pilot; age 26; R.A.F.V.R.
Harry Lawton; Flight Sergeant/Pilot 2; age 22; R.C.A.F.
Alexander Crerar; Wireless Operator/Air Gunner; age 24; R.A.F.V.R.
Ronald Harris; Wireless Operator/Air Gunner; age 20; R.A.F.V.R.
Douglas Leonard Overton D.F.M.; Sergeant/Air Gunner; age 21; R.A.F.V.R.
Gordon Henry Mercer; Sergeant/Air Gunner; R.A.F.V.R.

Six members of the crew were buried at the Municipal Cemetery at Marl. They were later moved and interred at Reichswald Forest War Cemetery.

The body of Denis was found much later and buried on the 1st August 1942.

Media object
Gordon Henry Mercer 1920-1942.jpg
Gordon Henry Mercer 1920-1942.jpg