WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Olive Marie Merkley, 19011930 (aged 29 years)

Olive Marie Merkley 1901-1930.jpg
Olive Marie /Merkley/
Given names
Olive Marie
Family with parents
George Davis Merkley 1859-1946.jpg
Birth: 14 July 1859Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
Death: 8 December 1946Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Phoebe Ann and George Davis Merkley and family.jpg
Birth: 8 December 1860 25 21 Cedar Fort, Utah County, Utah, USA
Death: 29 May 1934Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage10 October 1881Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
14 months
elder brother
George Albert Merkley 1882-1952.jpg
Birth: 13 December 1882 23 22 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 16 August 1952Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
23 months
elder sister
Orin and Eleanor Allen with 4 youngest daughters circa 1923.jpg
Birth: 7 November 1884 25 23 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 2 March 1955Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
23 months
elder sister
Phoebe Jane Merkley 1886-1953.jpg
Birth: 15 September 1886 27 25 Maeser, Uintah, Utah, USA
Death: 23 August 1953Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
2 years
elder sister
Birth: 13 September 1888 29 27 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 13 September 1888Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
13 months
elder brother
Birth: 4 October 1889 30 28 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 19 January 1954Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
3 years
elder brother
Birth: 17 April 1892 32 31 Maeser, Uintah, Utah, USA
Death: 13 November 1956Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, USA
3 years
elder sister
Audrey Kay Merkle 1895-1986.jpg
Birth: 25 August 1895 36 34 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 14 April 1986Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
3 years
elder brother
Morgan Merkley 1898-1989.jpg
Birth: 5 April 1898 38 37 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 5 August 1989Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
3 years
Olive Marie Merkley 1901-1930.jpg
Birth: 18 June 1901 41 40 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 12 November 1930Provo, Utah, USA
Family with Walton Edwin Bodily
Walton Edwin Bodily 1888-1975.jpg
Birth: 11 January 1888Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 30 December 1975Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Olive Marie Merkley 1901-1930.jpg
Birth: 18 June 1901 41 40 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 12 November 1930Provo, Utah, USA
Marriage Marriage31 March 1920Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
21 months
Birth: 1921 32 19 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
22 months
Lorenza Edwin Bodily 1922-1944.jpg
Birth: 16 October 1922 34 21 Moffit, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 25 October 1944Municipality of Leyte, Leyte (Province), Eastern Visayas, Philippines
21 months
Melvin Robert Bodily 1924-2010.jpg
Birth: 24 June 1924 36 23 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 1 October 2010Bountiful, Davis, Utah, USA
14 months
Birth: 20 August 1925 37 24 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 6 August 2014Bountiful, Davis, Utah, USA
2 years
Birth: 28 July 1927 39 26 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA
Death: 24 July 2016Copperton, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
19 months
Birth: 14 February 1929 41 27 Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USA

Funeral Rites for Young Maeser Mother. Splendid Tributes Paid at the Ward Chapel Sunday, to Olive Bodily, Mother of Six Children. Maeser (Special) - Funeral services were held in the Maeser Chapel Sunday at 1 o'clock p.m. for Mrs. Olvie Bodily, who died Wednesday, at 8:45 p.m. at the Merrel Oaks Hospital at Provo after undergoing a very serious operation for sinus infection. Services were conducted by Mark M. Hall of the Ward Bishopric. The singing was rendered by a mixed double quartet as follows. "I Know My Heavenly Father Knows," "My Father Knows," and "Sister, Thou Was Mild and Lovely." Invocation was offered by Charles Colton and benediction by Lester Bingham. As special numbers, Mrs. May Jorgensen beautifully sang, "One Fleeting Hour," accompanied by Miss Lucille Johnson on the piano and Miss Lora Murray played a violin solo, "One Fleeting Hour," accompanied by Miss Helen Calder on the piano.

The speakers, John L. McConkie, John N. Davis and President Ernest Eaton, each spoke on the beautiful and upright life of the deceased and of her love and devotion to her parents, husband and children. They also spoke of the life everlasting and of the great reward she would surely receive. A large cortege followed the remains to the Maeser Cemetery where interment was made. The grave was dedicated by Thomas E. Hall and was a mass of beautiful flowers, which showed the love and esteem in which she was held.

Olive Merkley Bodily was born June 18, 1901 at Maeser and was the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Merkley. As a child she was obedient and showed much love and respect for her parents, brothers and sisters. She received her schooling at the Maeser school and at the Uintah High School. On March 31, 1920 she was married to Walton E. Bodily, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bodily.

The following six children were born to this couple, and together with her grief stricken husband, survive Lucille, Lorenzo, Melvin, Anna, Gordon, Garold, also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Merkley, Mrs. Eleanor Allen, Mrs. Jane Colton of Vernal; John Henry of Lapoint; Parley of Phoenix, Arizona, Mrs. Audrey Richens and Morgan Merkley of Vernal, besides a host of relatives and friends.

Mrs. Bodily has been a patient sufferer for several years of sinus trouble. About eight years ago, she underwent a mastoid operation at Provo and in April 1929 an operation for sinus infection was performed by Dr. Weston Oaks of Provo. During and since that time she has suffered intense pain, making several trips to Provo for medical treatment. The last operation on Thursday of last week was on the sinus glands which had closed up causing a tumor on the brain which resulted in her death, November 12.

Relatives attending from outside points were Hank Merkley, Jensen; Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hacking, Mr and Mrs. John Merkley and children of Lapoint; Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bodily , Levi Bodily, Mr and Mrs. John G. Hacking and Mrs. George Young of Gusher.

-Vernal Express, November 20, 1930

Media object
Olive Marie Merkley 1901-1930.jpg
Olive Marie Merkley 1901-1930.jpg