WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Herod of Judea, 74 BC4 BC (aged 70 years)

Herod "The Great"
Herod // of Judea
Given names
The Great
Name suffix
of Judea
Death of a son
Birth of a son
Last change
20 May 202212:09:06
Author of last change: Danny

Herod (74/73 BCE-4 BCE), also known as Herod the Great and Herod I, was a Roman client king of Judea, referred to as the Herodian kingdom. He has been described as "a madman who murdered his own family and a great many rabbis", "the evil genius of the Judean nation", "prepared to commit any crime in order to gratify his unbounded ambition", and "the greatest builder in Jewish history". He is known for his colossal building projects throughout Judea, including his expansion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem (Herod's Temple), the construction of the port at Caesarea Maritima, the fortress at Masada and Herodium. Vital details of his life are recorded in the works of the 1st century CE Roman-Jewish historian Josephus.

Upon Herod's death, the Romans divided his kingdom among three of his sons and his sister - Archelaus became ethnarch of the tetrarchy of Judea, Herod Antipas became tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea, Philip became tetrarch of territories east of the Jordan, and Salome I was given a toparchy including the cities of Jabneh, Ashdod, Phasaelis.

Media object
Herod "The Great"
Herod "The Great"