WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Edward Parsons + Elizabeth Mona Jackson

2 children
Birth: May 1944 30 32 Ramsey, Ayre, Isle of Man
Death: December 2009Douglas, Middle, Isle of Man
Birth: November 1945 31 33 Ramsey, Ayre, Isle of Man
Death: February 1995Isle of Man
Joseph and Maggie Parsons with Mary and Edward.jpg
Birth: March 1914 28 26 Kendal, Westmorland, England
Death: 8 November 1980Laxey, Garff, Isle of Man
Maggie & Joseph Parsons.jpg
Birth: 27 May 1885Kendal, Westmorland, England
Death: 13 November 1968Ambleside, Westmorland, England
Joseph and Maggie Parsons with Mary and Edward.jpg
Birth: 20 March 1887 32 24 Scalthwaiterigg, Westmorland, England
Death: 13 February 1954Ambleside, Westmorland, England
Wedding of Edward Parsons and Elizabeth Mona Jackson.jpg
Birth: 8 January 1912Maughold, Garff, Isle of Man
Death: 27 January 2002Laxey, Garff, Isle of Man

Facts and events

Address: Methodist Chapel, Parliament Street, Douglas, Middle, Isle of Man.
Last change
4 October 202212:42:12
Author of last change: Danny