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Interactive tree of Henry Stewart

Issobell Ogilvy 16181650
Reverend Andrew Garden 16151700
James Ogilvy 7th Lord of Airlie 15931666
Isobel Hamilton 15951664
Jean Johanna Ruthven 15711612
James Ogilvy 6th Lord of Airlie 15651618
Dorothea Stewart Baroness Ruthven 15501627
Sir William Ruthven 1st Earl of Gowrie 15481584
Henry Stewart 14951551
Janet Dowager Countess of Sutherland Lady Stewart 15101566
Andrew Stewart 1st Lord Avondale 14751513
Margaret Kennedy Countess Castletown 14781543
Alexander Stewart of Avondale 1456
James Beag Stewart 1st Laird Baldorran 14261490
Annabel Buchanan 14351490
James Mhor Stewart Albany & Baldorran 13951451
Lady McDonald 14061475