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Interactive tree of Ellen Ball

Ellen Ball 17141754
Barnaby Rymer 17101768
Oliver Rymer 16821741
Anne Matthew 16791715
Robert of the Hill Rymer 16621723
Margery Breckell 16611710
Richard of the Hill Rymer 16351680
Anne Thomassone 16261665
John of Blowick Rymer 16091669
Elizabeth Ball 16121677
Thomas Thomassone 1592
Isabell Rymer 15951638
Richard Breckell
Barnaby Matthew 16311679
Ellin Farrington 16331679
Thomas Matthew 1612
Alice Weardon 1612
Robert Matthew 1586
Janne Dobson 1586
Sir Thomas Farrington 16051691
Lady Margaret Harrison 1604
Robert Farrington 1575
Thomas Harrison 1584
Margaret Boulton 15861634