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Interactive tree of Count Dirk II Dietrich de Holland

Count Albrecht of Holland 1051
Count Dirk V of Holland 10521091
Count Peter of Holland 1053
Countess Bertha of Holland 10551094
King Philippe I Capet of France 10521108
Count Floris of Holland 1055
Countess Machteld de Holland 1057
Countess Adela Christina of Holland 10611085
Count Floris I de Holland 10171061
Princess Gertrude of Saxony 10281113
Count Dirk III de Holland 9811039
Otehilde of Germany 9831044
Lambert de Lens 10221054
Adelaide of Normandy 10211058
Gerberge de Boulogne 10231049
Count Eustace II de Boulogne 10301087
Eustace de Boulogne 10041049
Mathilda de Louvain 10041049
Enguerrand II de Ponthieu 10251053
Adelaide of Normandy 10211058
Count Guy I of Ponthieu 10361100
Ada de Amiens 10401066
Hugh de Ponthieu 10031052
Bertha de Aumale 10101090
Adelina de Holland 9851045
Baldwin II de Boulogne 9761033
Enguerrand I de Ponthieu 9701045
Gertrude de Gand 992
Folcard de Gand 10211073
Gilbert de Gand 10481095
Alice de Montfort 10501091
Baldwin de Gand 1050
Ralph de Gand 10221058
Gisele de Luxembourg 10281058
Adalbert de Gand 9951032
Ermengarde de Flanders 10051032
Count Arnulf I de Gand 951996
Liutgarde Kleves de Luxembourg 9631005
Count Dirk II Dietrich de Holland 930988
Countess Hildegarde de Flanders 935990
Dirk I Dietrich de Holland 899939
Gerberga of Friesland 890928
Count Arnulf I de Flanders 890965
Adele de Vermandois 912960
Count Baldwin II of Flanders 865918
Princess Aefthryth of England 873929
Count Baldwin I of Flanders 837879
Princess Judith of France 843870
Odoacer de Flanders 810
Charles II Holy Roman Emperor 823877
Countess Ermentrude of Orleans 823869
King Alfred of England 847899
Queen Ealhswith of England 852905
King Aethelwulf of Wessex and Kent 795858
Queen Osburga of Wessex of the Isle of Wight 810853
Ethelred Eald of the Gainai 825
Eadburh Fadburn 830
Count Herbert II of Vermandois 884943
Princess Hildebrante of France 895931
Count Herbert I of Vermandois 848907
Bertha de Morvois 855923
Count Pepin II Quentin of Vermandois 817864
Rothaide de Bobbio 820858
Guerri I de Morvois 820866
Eve de Roussillon 820862
King Robert I of France 866923
Beatrice de Vermandois 880931
Duke Robert of France 820866
Adelaide of Tours 820866
Count Herbert I of Vermandois 848907
Bertha de Morvois 855923