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Interactive tree of Queen Gerberge of France

King Lothaire of France 941986
Princess Mathilde of France 943981
Princess Hildegarde of France 944
Prince Carloman of France 945953
Prince Louis of France 948954
Count Henri II of Louvain 10211079
Countess Adele (Alix) of Beteau 10231086
Adele de Louvain 10301083
Count Lambert III of Louvain 9951062
Princess Oda of Lorraine 9951044
Gerberge de Lorraine 9701017
Count Lambert II of Louvain 9501015
Duke Othon of LowerLorraine 9731005
Hedwig de Namur 10301076
Duke Gerhard III of Upper Lorraine 10301070
Count Albert III de Namur 10351102
Ida Billung von Saxony 10351102
Count Albert II de Namur 10001064
Regilinde de Lorraine 10051037
Princess Ermengarde of France 9751019
Count Albert I of Namur 9751011
Duke Eudes of LowerLorraine 9791012
Prince Charles of France 952993
Duchess Bonne Adelaide of Lorraine 953990
Prince Henri of France 953953
Princess Alberade of France 953
Bruno de Roucy 9551015
Countess Adele de Roucy 10191062
Hildouin III de Rameru 10101063
Ebles I de Roucy 9941033
Countess Beatrice of Hainault 998
Gilbert de Roucy 956985
Guy I of Burgundy 9781004
Matilda of Burgundy 9801005
Countess Gerberge of Burgundy 9831020
Count William I of Burgundy 10241087
Stephanie de Longwy 10351088
Albreda of Burgundy 1030
Count Renaud I Palatine of Burgundy 9861057
Adelaide of Normandy 10021037
Beatrice of Aquitaine 10201109
Count Pierre William VII de Aquitaine 10231058
Ermesinde de Longwy 10331058
William VIII of Aquitaine 10241086
Agnes of Aquitaine 10241077
Heinrich III Holy Roman Emperor 10171056
Countess Agnes of Burgundy 9901068
William V of Aquitaine 9691030
Count Geoffrey II of Gastinois 10061046
Countess Ermengarde of Anjou 10041076
Beatrix de Macon 9741030
Count Geoffrey I of Gastinois 9701010
Ermentrude de Roucy 9581005
Count Otto William of Burgundy 9591026
Count Aubrey II de Macon 938982
Gerberge de Roucy 9601020
Alberade de Lorraine 930973
Renaud de Roucy 921973
Duke Henri of Lorraine 932932
Count Albert II de VermandoisandNamur 9771015
Eudes de Vermandois 1030
Count Herbert IV de Vermandois 10321080
Adele de Vexin 10321080
Peter de Vermandois 10361080
Count Otto de Vermandois 9791045
Pavle de Ham 9901058
Count Herbert III de Vermandois 9541028
Countess Ermengarde of Vermandois 9461018
Eudes de Vermandois 956987
Guy de Vermandois 957988
Lindulf de Vermandois 958986
Gisele de Vermandois 960
Princess Gerberge of Lorraine 935978
Count Albert I de Vermandois 917987
Duchess Wiltrude of Lorraine 937
Queen Gerberge of France 913984
King Louis IV of France 921954
Duke Gilbert of Lorraine 890939
King Heinrich I of the Germans 876936
Saint Matilda of Ringelheim 892968
Duke Otto I of Saxony 851912
Hedwiga Hathui de Franconia 855906
Duke Liudolf of East Saxony 805864
Oda of Saxony 830913
Duke Bruno of East Saxony 780
Billing of Saxony 780
Aeda 784
Henry of Franconia 820886
Ingeltrude de Friuli 837870
Duke Eberhard of Friuli 815866
Princess Gisela of the Franks 821874
Count Dietrich of Ringelheim 867917
Countess Ludmilla Ragnhildis of Friesland 865917
Count Reginhart of Ringelheim 828891
Matilda of Saxony 838
Wolpert von Ringelheim 807
Alburgis von Ringelheim 810
Gottfried 820
Matilda 820
King Charles III of France 879929
Ogive of France 902956
King Louis II of France 843879
Queen Adelaide of France 855900
Charles II Holy Roman Emperor 823877
Countess Ermentrude of Orleans 823869
Louis I Holy Roman Emperor 778840
Princess Judith of Bavaria 805843
Princess Ermengarde of Hesbaye 778818
Count Odo Eudes of Orleans 798834
Countess Engeltrude of Orleans 798853
King Edward of England 871924
Queen Aelfflaed of Wiltshire 870968
Queen Edgiva of England 896962
Ecgwynn 873
King Alfred of England 847899
Queen Ealhswith of England 852905
King Aethelwulf of Wessex and Kent 795858
Queen Osburga of Wessex of the Isle of Wight 810853
Ethelred Eald of the Gainai 825
Eadburh Fadburn 830
Earl Ethelhelm of Wessex 848
Duke Reginar I of Lorraine 860915
Alberade de Lorraine 870916
Duchess Hersende of Lorraine 872927
Count Giselbert of the Moselle 830892
Duchess Ermengarde of the Moselle 830
Lothaire I Holy Roman Emperor 795855
Countess Ermengarde of Tours 805851
Louis I Holy Roman Emperor 778840
Princess Judith of Bavaria 805843
Princess Ermengarde of Hesbaye 778818
Count Hugues II of Upper Alsace 775839
Ava de Tours 780837