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Interactive tree of Prince Edred of England

Prince Edred of England 9921004
King Ethelred II of England 9681016
Queen Aelgifu of Northumbria 9681012
Princess Emma of Normandy 9821052
King Edgar of England 943975
Queen Elfrida of England 9451000
King Edmund I of England 921946
Queen Elgiva of Shaftesbury 922944
King Edward of England 871924
Queen Aelfflaed of Wiltshire 870968
Queen Edgiva of England 896962
Ecgwynn 873
Thored Ealderman Gunnarsson 938
Duke Richard I of Normandy 933996
Gunnora de Crepon 9361031
Concubine of Normandy 935
Duke William I of Normandy 893943
Sprote de Bretagne 911940
Robert I of Normandy 870932
Poppa de Bayeux 872
Count Hubert of Senlis 880912
Beatrice de Morvois
Prince Herbastus Herfast de Crepon of Denmark 906984
Cyrid of Sweden 920
King Gorm III Hardeknudsson of Denmark 866936
Thyre Danebod Haraldsdatter of Jutland 866935