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Interactive tree of Maria Theresa Habsburg of Austria

Maria Theresa Habsburg of Austria 18161867
King Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies 18101859
Archduke Charles Habsburg 17711847
Princess Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg 17971829
Emperor Leopold II Habsburg of Austria 17471792
Maria Luisa Bourbon of Spain 17451792
Franz III Stephan of Lorraine 17081765
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria 17171780
Charles VI Habsburg 16851740
Elizabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel 16911750
Duke Frederick William of Nassau-Weilburg 17681816
Burgravine Louise Isabella of Kirchberg 17721827
Prince Charles Christian of Nassau-Weilburg 17351788
Princess Caroline of Orange-Nassau 17431787
Prince William IV of Orange 17111751
Anne of Hannover 17091759
Francis I of the Two Sicilies 17771830
Maria Isabella of Spain 17891848
King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies 17511825
Maria Caroline Habsburg of Austria 17521814
Franz III Stephan of Lorraine 17081765
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria 17171780
Charles VI Habsburg 16851740
Elizabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel 16911750