WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Hedwig von Nordgau

Countess Lutgardis of Luxembourg 9551003
Folcard de Gand 10211073
Ralph de Gand 10221058
Gisele de Luxembourg 10281058
Ermengarde de Flanders 10051032
Adalbert de Gand 9951032
Alberic de Vere 10301112
Beatrice de Gand 10401100
Katherine de Flanders 10061030
Alphonso de Vere 10001076
Count Baldwin VI of FlandersandHainault 10301070
Countess Richildis de Hainault 10341086
Countess Matilda of Flanders 10311083
King William I of England 10241087
Count Robrecht I of Flanders 10331093
Count Baldwin V of Flanders 10121067
Adele Capet of France 10091079
Ogive V de Luxembourg 9861036
Count Baldwin IV de Flanders 9801035
Imagina of Luxembourg 9881057
Countess Irmtrud of Luxembourg 9901055
Giselbert I van Luxembourg 9991057
Countess Jutta of Luxembourg 10001057
Frederick II de Luxembourg 10031065
Count Frederic I of Luxembourg 9651019
Countess Irmentrude in Kinziggau 9601024
Countess Eva of Luxembourg 967
Countess Kunigunde of Luxembourg 9701032
Hedwig von Nordgau 922992
Count Siegfried of Luxembourg 922998