WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Hugo III de Nordgau

Princess Aethelreda of England 10351068
Gospatrick Maldred FitzMaldred 10321072
Prince Edgar of England 10361126
Princess Christina of England 10441102
Queen Margaret of Scotland 10451093
King of Scotland Malcolm III 10311093
Agatha von Brunswick 10181066
Prince Edward of England 10161057
Countess Ida von Brunswick 1023
Margrave Ekbert I of Meissen 10311068
Countess Gertrude of Nordgau 10061077
Count Liudolf von Brunswick 10031038
Hugo VI de Nordgau 9601049
Heilwig von Dagsburg 9901046
Hugo III de Nordgau 951986
Belinda de Ortenbourg