WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of King David II Bruce of Scotland

King David II Bruce of Scotland 13231370
Princess Joanna of England 13211362
King Edward II of England 12841327
Princess Isabelle of France 12921358
King Edward I of England 12391307
Princess Eleanor of Castile 12421290
Princess Marguerite Hardi of France 12791317
King Henry III of England 12071272
Eleanor Berenger of Provence 12171291
King John of England 11661216
Isabella de Taillefer 11881246
Agatha de Ferrers 11681216
Miss Plantagenet 1172
Hawise de Tracy 11681217
Isabella de Clare 11701217
Raymond Berenger de Provence 11981245
Beatrice de Savoy 12011266
King Fernando 111 of LeonandCastile 12011252
Johana of Dammartin 12191279
King Alfonso 1X Fernandez of LeonandCastile 11711230
Queen Berenguela of Castile 11801246
Simon 11 de Dammartin 11801239
Marie of Ponthieu 11991250
King Philippe IV of France 12681314
Joan I of Navarre 12721305
King Philippe III of France 12451285
Princess Isabel of Aragon 12471271
King Louis IX of France 12151270
Marguerite de Provence 12211295
King James I of Aragon & Mallorca 1208
Princess Jolanta of Hungary 12161251