WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Queen Bertha of Toulouse of Italy

Count Wichmann in Billung 876944
Bishop Amelung of Verden 880962
Duke Hermann Billung of Saxony 900973
Hildegard von Westerburg 9201009
Stubenkorn von Billung 845
Ermengarde von Nantes 860
Oda Billung 816913
Aeda Frederunda Hildeburg von Saxony 795
Billung I 790850
Pepin II de Vermandois 839893
Bernard of Vermandois 843893
Beatrice de Vermandois 880931
King Robert I of France 866923
Judith de Vermandois 882949
Count Udo I of the Wetterau 880949
Count Herbert II of Vermandois 884943
Princess Hildebrante of France 895931
Count Herbert I of Vermandois 848907
Bertha de Morvois 855923
Count Pepin II Quentin of Vermandois 817864
Rothaide de Bobbio 820858
King Bernard of Italy 797818
Queen Cunigunde of Laon 797835
Princess Adelaide of Italy 798
Princess Gundrade of Italy 800
Princess Bertrade of Italy 803
Princess Theodrate of Italy 805
Queen Bertha of Toulouse of Italy 777871
King Pepin of Italy 777810
Lambert von Hornbach 720783
Geberge de Laon 730
Count Claribert I of Laon 692745
Bertrada von Cologne 695745
Hardrad de Aquitaine 676696
Bertrade I de NeustrieMeroving 676721
Hugobert von Bavaria 650698
Irmine von Ohren 650718
Hugobert von Bavaria 650698
Irmine von Ohren 650718
Alberic von Bavaria 618
Adele de Poitiers 622689
Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor 742814
Empress Hildegarde of the Holy Roman Empire 758783
Regina 780
Himiltrude 742780
King Pepin III of France 714768
Countess Bertrade of Laon 720783
Charles Martel Holy Roman Emperor 686741
Duchess Rotrude of Trves of Austrasia 690724
Suanehilde of Bavaria 700
Mayor Pepin II of the Palace of Austrasia 635714
Concubine Adelaide Aupais of Austrasia 654705
Bishop Leutwinus of Treves 660722
Willigarde Agilofinges de Bavaria 666
Count Claribert I of Laon 692745
Bertrada von Cologne 695745
Hardrad de Aquitaine 676696
Bertrade I de NeustrieMeroving 676721
Hugobert von Bavaria 650698
Irmine von Ohren 650718
Count Gerold of Vinzgau 710784
Duchess Emma von Bayern 730789
Bishop Gerold of Mayence 697
Duke Gerold I of Swabia 670
Duke Hnabi Alemannic 710780
Hereswand 705
Duke Huoching Alemannic 675709