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Interactive tree of Baeldaeg of Asgard

Wig Uvigg of Slesvik 355
King Freawine of Slesvik 327
Frithogar 299
Beorn 301
Brond Baeldaegsson 271
Baeldaeg of Asgard 243
Nanna Gewardsdatter 247
Odin of Asgard 215
Frigg 219
Skadi 214
Frithuwald 190
Beltsa of Asgard 194
Freothalaf of Asgard 160
Frithuwulf of Asgard 130
King Gewar of Norway 232250
Odin of Asgard 215
Frithuwald 190
Beltsa of Asgard 194
Freothalaf of Asgard 160