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Interactive tree of King Ealhmund of Kent

Princess Edith of Wessex 802871
King Athelstan of Kent Essex and Sussex 830855
Queen Ethelswith of Mercia 833889
King Ethelbald of Wessex 834860
King Ethelbert of Wessex 836865
King Ethelred I of Wessex 837871
Princess Ethelfleda of England 868919
Duke Ethelred II of Mercia 865912
Princess Aefthryth of England 873929
Count Baldwin II of Flanders 865918
King Edward of England 871924
Queen Aelfflaed of Wiltshire 870968
Queen Edgiva of England 896962
Ecgwynn 873
Prince Edmund of England 873
Prince Ethelwerd of England 875922
Princess Ethelgiva of England 875
King Alfred of England 847899
Queen Ealhswith of England 852905
King Aethelwulf of Wessex and Kent 795858
Queen Osburga of Wessex of the Isle of Wight 810853
Prince Athelstan of Wessex 808839
King Egburt III of Wessex 770839
Queen Redburgh of Wessex 778857
King Ealhmund of Kent 758786
Alburga of Kent
Eafa Atheling of Wessex 732762
Eoppa Saxon Atheling of Wessex 706736
Prince Ingild Atheling of Wessex 680718
Prince Cenred Atheling of Wessex 644694