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Interactive tree of Prince Wladiwoj of Poland

Prince Wladiwoj of Poland 9721003
Prince Mieszko I of Poland 930992
Princess Dbubravka of Bohemia 931977
Prince Ziemomysl of Poland 892964
Duke Boleslav I of Bohemia 900967
Duchess Bozena of Bohemia 901
Princess Edgiva Saxon of England 912
Duke Vratislav Premysl of Bohemia 877921
Drahomira de Stoder 881937
King Edward of England 871924
Queen Aelfflaed of Wiltshire 870968
Queen Edgiva of England 896962
Ecgwynn 873
King Alfred of England 847899
Queen Ealhswith of England 852905
Earl Ethelhelm of Wessex 848