WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of King Deheuwaint Ap Tudbwyll

Gwrast Lledlwn Ap Ceneu 521
Ewerich Verch Rheged 405
Ceneu Ap CoelHen 375
Tybion Ap Cunedda 408
Edern ap Cunedda 410
Rhufon Ap Cunedda 411
Ceredig Ap Cunedda 413
Afloeg Cunedda 414
Ysfael Ap Cunedda 416
Einion Ap Cunedda 417
Prawst Verch Tidlet 422471
Dunog Ap Cunedda 419
Tegid Verch Cunedda 420
Dogfael Ap Cunedda 422
Gwen Verch Cunedda 424
Gwron Ap Cunedda 426
Gwawl Verch Coel 388
Cunedda Wledig 386460
King CoelHen of Britain 350420
Ystradwel Verch Gadeon 350388
King Tegfan Tasciovanus Ap Deheuwaint 330357
King Deheuwaint Ap Tudbwyll 300
Tudbwyll Ap Urban 270340
Urban Ap Gradd 250314
Gradd Ap Rhyfeddel 210
Rhyfeddel Ap Rhydeyrn 180