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Interactive tree of Aelia Eudocia

Eudoxia 439474
King Huneric of the Vandals 420484
Licinia Eudoxia 422462
Flavius Valentinian III Emperor of Rome 419455
Aelia Eudocia 402
Flavius THEODOSIUS II EasternRomanEmperor 401450
Arcadius EasternRomanEmperor 377408
Aelia Eudoxia I of the Franks 377404
Flavius Theodosius I Emperor of Rome 347395
Aelia Flavia Flaccilla of the Holy Roman Empire 355385
Galla Valentina Justina of the Holy Roman Empire 349394
Flavius Theodosius of the Holy Roman Empire 325375
Thermantia 320386
Comes Theodosius of the Holy Roman Empire 307
Flavius Valentinian I Emperor of Rome 321375
Flavia Justina of the Holy Roman Empire 323
Gratianus of the Holy Roman Empire 300
Flavia Julia Constantia of the Holy Roman Empire 288330
Licinianus Valentinia of the Holy Roman Empire 304