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Interactive tree of Grand Duke Igor of Kiev

Izyaslav Vladimirovich of Kiev 9811001
Mstislav Vladimirovich of Kiev 9831036
Vladimir Yarolsavich of Kiev 10201052
Anastasia of Kiev 10221074
Grand Prince Iziaslav I of Kiev 10251078
Gertrude of Poland 10271107
Anne of Kiev 10231075
King Henri I Capet of France 10081060
Grand Prince Sviatoslav II of Kiev 10271076
Grand Prince Vsevolod I of Kiev 10301093
Elisiv of Kiev 10321067
Igor of Kiev 10341059
Viacheslav of Kiev 10381056
Grand Duke Yaroslav I of Kiev 9851054
Princess Ingeborg Olafsdotter 10011050
Vsevolod Vladimirovich of Kiev 9871013
Princess Predislava Vladimirovna of Kiev 9901018
Grand Prince Vladimir I of Kiev 9591015
Princess Rogneda of Polotsk 9621002
Grand Duke Sviatoslav I of Kiev 929972
Malusha of Lubech 9381002
Grand Duke Igor of Kiev 893945
Grand Duchess Olga of Kiev 907969
Grand Duke Rurik of Novograd 830879
Grand Duchess Edvina of Novograd 850