WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Daniel Goodwin, 17341823 (aged 89 years)

Daniel /Goodwin/
Given names
Also known as
Daniel /Gooden/
Family with parents
younger brother
Enoch Goodwin
William Goodwin
John Goodwin
younger brother
-21 months
younger brother
Family with Sarah Hunt
Marriage Marriage1760
5 years
-17 months
4 years
2 years
4 years
23 months
3 years
2 years
4 years
-14 years
15 years
3 years
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
1760 (aged 26 years)
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Death of a father
Death of a mother
1823 (aged 89 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
19 February 201216:33:26
Author of last change: Danny

Daniel Goodwin was apprenticed at an early age to a shoemaker. The shoemaker's wife ill-used Daniel, and he ran away. He is said at the time to have changed his name to Gooden. All his brothers spelled it "Goodwin". The whole Goodwin family came from Plymouth to Newburyport, Essex, Massachutsetts. David and 3 brothers, Enoch, William, and John, enlisted with the 1st Battalion of Governor Shirley's Regiment raised in New England in 1755 to attack Fort Beausejour and Fort Gaspereau and (Fort Mouton or Marston?) Daniel was present at the taking of Quebec (1759).

Daniel after years as a sergeant went back to England where he married Sarah Hunt of Sligo, Ireland - Sarah was educated and had a good knowledge of medicine. She was Presbyterian and very religious, reprimanding her two granddaughters for coming to see her on Sunday. But she was rather fond of liquor.

Daniel always said family prayers - both he and his wife had a good knowlege of the Bible.
(Source: Hazel Goodwin)

Daniel Goodwin b. 6/2/1736 to Daniel and Elizabeth Bishop. Daniel and Elizabeth's Intent to marry filed 10/5/1734
Source: Frank Grimes' research. Contact fegrimes@rocketmail.com

Daniel Goodwin born 2 Jun 1734, Plymouth, Eng, M. Sarah Hunt circa 1762, died circa 1823.
Source: AFN JKS6-BQ Ancestral File

Daniel Goodwin b. 1734, Plymouth England, m. Sarah Hunt b. 11 Jul 1747, Ipswich, Essex, Massachutsetts, died 1825, Cumberland, Nova Scotia.
This contradicts the story that Sarah Hunt is from Sligo, Ireland.
Sarah Hunt has a well established geneology going back to around 1450 in Suffolk, England.
Source: Ancestral File AFN JKS6-CW

Daniel Gooden, head of household, Cumberland, 1770. Men:1 Women: 1 Boys: 4 All Protestant and American.
Source: 1770-1787 Novia Scotia Census. http://www.rootsweb.com/~cann/nscensus1770c.html

On the 12th February, 1767, Daniel Gooden, conveyed to William Allen, Attorney of Martin Gay of Boston, lot 27B and 20 acres of Marsh for 40 pounds. Cumberland County.

By the command of the Lt. Governor with the advice and consent of His Majesty£s Council
Richard Burkeley, Secy.
Entered in the book of records
Let 6, page 56

Halifax 24th Feb 1764

Registered by one John Collier
Nova Scotia, LL#

To all whom These Presents shall come---Greeting. Whereas John Huston, Joshua
Winslow and William Allan, Esq., Abel Richardson, Elijah Ayre, Josiah Throop and
Joseph Morse, Committee of the Township of Cumberland on behalf of themselves
and others, Proprietors in the said township apprehending and being advised that the
former grants made to them and their associates would for many deficiencies be
insufficient to secure them their properties therein and Therefore have requested that a
new grant of part of the said premises might be made out for the more fully assuring to
them and their associates their respective right and share therein.

Now know Ye that I Montagu Wilmot, Esq. Lt. Governor and Commander in Chief in
and over His Majesty£s Province of Nova Scotia or Acadie and Colonel of his
Majesty£s Eighth Regiment of Foot by virtue of the power and authority to me given
by his present Majesty, King George Third, under the Great Seal of Great Britain
have given, granted and confirmed and do by these presents by and with the advice
and consent of His Majesty£s Council for the said province give, grant and confer
unto the several persons hereafter named thirty-four thousand five hundred acres of
land in said township of Cumberland, Which township situate lying and being in the
district of Chignecto and is bounded--- Beginning at the entrance of the River O£Lae
on the East side thereof and bounded by said River and measuring from the point of
said entrance with the courses of the river till it comes to a marked boundary on the
said river being four miles in a right line from the said point. Thence running North
two miles to a boundary there marked. Thence-Northeast six miles and a half to a
fixed boundary marked. Thence South thirty-five degrees East nine miles and
seventy-five chains till it meets the Baie of Verte at the mouth of the River Gaspers,
and thence is bounded by said Baie Verte till it crosses the River Tidnish at a fixed
boundary and from thence running up the country Southwest. Nine miles and thirteen
chains till it meets with the River LaPlanche, Then on said river till it comes to the
Basin of Chignecto and by the said Basin till it comes to the point at O£Lae River first
mentioned, containing in the whole eighty-nine thousand acres exclusive of land
heretofore reserved about Fort Cumberland and on the said Bay Verte. Which said
lands are hereby to remain exclusive of this grant according to a plan hereunto
annexed. The said thirty-four thousand five hundred acres of land making sixty-nine
rights or shares of one hundred sixty-nine rights or shares Whereof the said township
doth computing every whole share at five hundred acres more of less with all rights
and privileges Thereunto belonging as now divided, lettered, numbered and described
on the margin of this grant With all and all manner of mines unopened excepting
mines of gold and silver, precious stones and Lapis Lazuli in and upon the said tract
of land hereby granted in the said township that is to say---Unto Joseph Morse, Elijah
Ayres, and Josiah Throop two shares each and unto John Huston and Joshua
Winslow, Esq., Jesse Bent, Gamaliel Smethurst, Sennacherib Martyn, James Law,
Abel Richardson and Sara Jones each one share and a half and unto William Best, Jr.,
Obadiah Ayer, William Nesbit, William How, Windsor Eager, Archibald
Hinshelwood, Gideon Gardner, Samuel Danks, Thomas Dixon, Zebulon Roe, John
King, Hezekiah King, John Bent, Jonathan Cole, Ebenezer Gardiner, Jonathan Eddy,
William Huston, Alexander Huston, Simeon Chester, Thomas Procter, Brook Watson,
William Allan Sr., William Allan, Jr., Jonathan Gay, Martin Peck, John Walker, Henry
McDonald, Daniel Gooden, Ebenezer Storer, Amos Fuller, Benoni Danks, Samuel
Gay, John Allan, Assell Danks, Isaac Danks, Charles Oulton, David Burnum,
Ebenezer Burnum, Daniel Earl, Robert Watson, Anthony Burk, William Welsh, John
Fillmore, William Sutherland, Samuel Raymond, and Nehemiah Ward and John
Collins one share each and unto Joseph Ayer, Thomas Clews, William Milburn, Abel
Richardson Jr., George Allan, Winkworth Allan, Jabez Chappell, Leffy Chappell half
a share each together with one share for the first minister, one for the Glebe and one
for the school, (as particularly described in the margin of this grant, forever. Saving
always the previous right of any other person or persons to the said township or any
part thereof. To Have and to Hold the said granted premises in the said respective
rights and shares to each and every of the said grantees in the manner herein before
described with all privileges, profits, commodities and appurtenances there unto
belonging. Unto the said Joseph Morse, Elijah Ayer, Josiah Throop, John Huston,
Joshua Winslow, Jesse Bent, Gamaliel Smethurst, Sennacherib Martyn, James Law,
Abel Richardson, Sara Jones, William Best Jr., Obadiah Ayer, William Nesbit,
William How, Windsor Eager, Archibald Hinshelwood, Gideon Gardner, Samuel
Danks, Thomas Dixon, Zebulon Roe, John King, Hezekiah King, John Bent,
Jonathan Eddy, William Huston, Alexander Huston, Simeon Chester, Thomas
Proctor, Brook Watson, Ebenezer Gardner, William Allan Sr., William Allan Jr.,
Jonathan Cole, Martyn Peck, John Walker, Henry McDonald, Daniel Gooden,
Ebenezer Storer, Amos Fuller, Benoni Danks, Samuel Gay, John Allan, Assell
Danks, Isaac Danks, Charles Oulton, David Burnum, Ebenezer Burnum, Daniel Earl,
Robert Watson, Anthony Burk, William Welsh, John Fillmore, William Sutherland,
Samuel Raymond, Nehemiah Ward, John Collins, Joseph Ayer, Thomas Clews,
William Milburn, Abel Richardson Jr., George Allan, Winkworth Allan, Jabez
Chappell, Leffy Chappell---their heirs and assigns forever each right or share of the
said granted premises to consist of five hundred acres according to the division of said
township now already made Yielding and paying to the grantees their fees and assigns
which by the acceptance hereof each of the said grantees finds and obliges himself his
Heirs and Executors and assigns to pay to His Majesty King George the Third, his
Heirs and Successors or to the Commander in Chief of the said province for the time
being or to any person lawfully authorized to receive the same for His Majesty£s use,
A Fee yearly Quit Rent of one shilling Sterling money on Michaelmas Day for every
fifty acres so granted and in proportion for a greater or lesser quality of land granted
the first years payment of the same to be made on Michaelmas Day next after the
expiration of two years from the date hereof and so to continue payable yearly
hereafter forever.

But in case three years Quit Rent shall at any one time be behind and unpaid and no
distress to be found on the premises then this grant to the grantee so failing shall be
null and void.

And whereas the selling or alienating the rights or shares of the said township to any
person except Protestant Settlers and ? ? within this Province may be very prejudicial
to and retard the selling the said township in case any of the said grantees shall within
two years from the date hereof alienate or grant the premises or any part thereof
except by will without license from the Governor, Let. Governor or Commander in
Chief for the time being under the seal of the said province for which license no fee or
reward shall be paid. Then this grant to him so alienating or granting the premises or
any part thereof except by will shall be null and void. And moreover the grant hereby
made is upon this express condition and each of the said grantees finds and obliges
himself, his heirs and assigns to plant, cultivate, improve or enclose one- third part of
the land hereby within two years, one other third part within twenty years and the
remaining third part within thirty years from the date of this grant or otherwise to
forfeit his right to such lands as shall not be actually under improvement and
cultivation at the time the forfeiture shall be incurred. And each of the said grantees
doth likewise hereby find himself, His Heirs, Executors and assigns to plant within 2
years from the date hereof two acres of the said land with hemp and to keep up the
same or a like quality of acres planted during the successive years.

And for the more effectual accomplishment of His Majesty£s intentions for selling the
lands within this Province the grant hereby made is upon this further express
condition that if each and every of the said grantees shall not settle either themselves
or a family on each of their respective shares or rights with proper stock and materials
for the improvement of the said lands on or before the last day of November which
will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-five then this
grant shall be null and void and of none effect to such of the said grantees as shall fail
to settle the premises in the manner aforesaid within the time above limited and the
Governor, Lt. Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being may at his pleasure
grant the rights or shares of all and every of the grantees mentioned in this deed so
failing to any other person or persons whatever in the same manner as if this grant had
not been made.

In witness whereof I have signed these Presents and cause the Seal of the Province to
be thereunto affixed at Halifax in the said province this twenty-second day of
November in the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by
the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland. King Defender of the Faith and
so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three.

By the command of
the Lt. Governor with
the advice and
consent of His
Majesty£s Council

Richard Burkeley, Secy.
